
In: Operations Management

The combination of warehouse management systems (WMS), RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), barcodes and Global Positioning Systems...

The combination of warehouse management systems (WMS), RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), barcodes and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) have had a profound effect on transportation. What the benefits of these technologies and how efficiency is improved?


Expert Solution

The combination of warehouse management systems (WMS), RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), barcodes and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) have had a profound effect on transportation. What the benefits of these technologies and how efficiency is improved?

Some definitions of the management of supply chains call it "art and science." Management in their supply chains can help to enhance efficiency , effectiveness and execution by using several scientific and/or mathematical software applications. In this context. For example, warehouse management systems (WMS), transport management systems (TMS), etc. In this area, technology is included, such as RFID, bar code, GPS, and other information technology, to improve efficiency , effectiveness, and delivery.

The applications can be summarized as follows from an overview perspective:

• Improved experience of customers

• Enhanced delivery on time

• Alerts shippers proactively of delays in shipping

• Efficiency and agility improved operations

• Low lead times and unreliability of lead time

• Shorter windows for delivery

• Capability to meet mid-term change needs •

• Easier compliance with regulations and monitoring

• Enhanced customer activity monitoring

• Enhanced response to regulatory and safety concerns

The fully automated track and track program of Dole, Inc. is a good example of the advantages and opportunities of a comprehensive visibility program. Given the many challenges of producing and distributing fresh produce, Dole has created full visibility of its supply chain through technology to develop a fully-automated track-and - trace process, thanks to increased public regulations. The process uses RFID, GPS, and cell phone technologies, from the collection field to the supply chains. Stops are included through warehouses in the cooling centre, carrier terminals and sorters.

Collaboration and visibility provide increasing and enhanced opportunities for transport and logistics companies to combine to improve the supply

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