Complete the mechanism for the base-catalyzed opening of the epoxide by adding any missing atoms, bonds, charges, nonbonding electron pairs, and curved arrows.
Consider the acid-catalyzed mechanism of the imine formation (provided in the introduction). How would the reverse reaction proceed? Draw out the mechanism and justify the steps.
2. The price of a bond is generally
determined by
a. the relation between the coupon
rate and the current market rate of similar investments
b. the stated interest rate of the
c. how many bonds are issued
d. who buys the bonds
3. How is the consolidated
statements treatment of constructive gain or loss on intercompany
bond investments different from the treatment of unrealized profit
on intercompany sales of inventory?
a. Constructive gain or loss is
deferred until...
Use the generalized reaction mechanism of photochemical
smog formation to explain why aldehydes start at a very low
concentration, build up in concentration until about 2:00 p.m. in
the afternoon, and then decrease to their original