The basic components of a formal proposal are:
1. Abstract or summary
2. Statement of need
3. Project activity, methodology and outcomes
4. Evaluation
5. Dissemination
6. Budget and continuation funding
1. Abstract or summary :
- Most important component
- It should not be longer than one half of page
- The title must be catchy
- It must contain the details of what has to be done, how it has
to be done and by whom
- It must also contain the possible outcomes and benefits
- Each subheadings must be bold
2. Statement of need:
- It addresses the issues that we are facing and it's
- What we propose as a solution is necessary
- It must also address who benefits and how it benefits the
- It must include a comparison with the past
- This statement must also provide evidences that this is not a
duplicate work
3. Project activity,methodology and outcomes:
- It includes the various approaches inorder to address the
issues and other alternative approaches
- It includes timeline of activities
- Tables and charts are best representation of information
- It indicates the outcomes to be achieved and their after
4. Evaluation :
- It includes the methodology used to assess for projects
- Evaluation of project if it is feasible both quantitatively and
5. Dissemination:
- It describes the communication strategy used
- Dissemination plans target policy makers, media
- It includes sending the work in periodicals, newspapers, press
release etc
6. Budget and continuation funding :
- Budget details are shown in table form and each item is
- It indicates how the project will be funded after grant funds
have got over