Describe how you would re-create a local government system in California’s metro regions. You do not...

Describe how you would re-create a local government system in California’s metro regions. You do not need to talk about specific regions—focus on general principles that can apply to all major metro areas.

2. What type of relationship should there be between local governments (e.g., competition, cooperation, etc.)?

In: Economics

A firm faces the following demand function: p = 1100 − 30q. As usual, p and...

A firm faces the following demand function: p = 1100 − 30q. As usual, p and q are the price and the quantity of the good. The cost function for this firm is defined by C = 20q2 + 100q + 1500.

(a) Is it economically reasonable to have q = 40? Explain.

(b) Write down the profit function for this firm.

(c) Find the optimal level of production q∗ and check whether it pertains to a maximum or to a minimum.

In: Economics

According to the Chairman, what goals does Congress set for the Federal Reserve? What is their...

  1. According to the Chairman, what goals does Congress set for the Federal Reserve?
  2. What is their current stance on interest rates in 2019?
  3. What is happening to the economic indicators that he discussed in the statement (the ones we have already studied: consumption, business investment, net exports, unemployment/labor market, inflation, trade, etc.)? Please discuss each of these indicators.
  4. What, if any, concerns does the Federal Reserve have about the economy in the near future that may cause them to change their monetary policy?

In: Economics

In the last quarter of 2019, US GDP was approximately $21.0 trillion dollars with an unemployment...

In the last quarter of 2019, US GDP was approximately $21.0 trillion dollars with an unemployment rate less than 4%. However, with the precautionary steps taken to stop the spread of COVID-19, a significant number of workers were laid off and unemployment climbed significantly. If the unemployment rate does not decline and stays at an average of 15% for an entire year, then the fall in the US GDP is likely to be

Group of answer choices

$3.15 trillion.

$16.4 trillion.

$4.20 trillion.

$4.60 trillion.

In: Economics

What do the basic models of international factor movements between two countries predict with regard to...

What do the basic models of international factor movements between two countries predict with regard to the impact on factors from each country and overall output? In reality are the results the same as would be predicted in this model? If they are different, explain why this is the case.

In: Economics

Explain the impact of a tariff in a large country on the domestic price, domestic producers,...

Explain the impact of a tariff in a large country on the domestic price, domestic producers, consumers, government, and the economy overall. How do these results compare to a small country?

In: Economics

In the days when the epidemic started, the price of the mask, which is normally $...

In the days when the epidemic started, the price of the mask, which is normally $ 0.25 , has climbed up to $ 8 in the market. In this period, on average, a mask found buyers in the market for $ 4.
Mask supply and demand functions
Qd = a - bP
Qs = -c + dP
Qd = Qs
Let's assume that it is. Here you can choose the numerical values of the a, b, c, d parameters to solve the problem. When making solutions, use them parametrically.

a)Using the above information, plot the supply and demand functions for the mask market. Show consumer and producer surplus values on the chart.

b)If the mask price is $ 6, write the consumer and producer residual value using the integral. (calculation is not required.)

c)The Ministry of Health has announced the mask price as $ 1. According to this explanation, write the residual value of the producer and consumer using Integral. (calculation is not required)

In: Economics

-Investigate the Mission, Vision, Values and Culture of 2 Higher Institutions located in 2 different countries...

-Investigate the Mission, Vision, Values and Culture of 2 Higher Institutions located in 2 different countries of your choice
-Investigate the Mission, Vision, Value amd Culture of an University
-Compare them

In: Economics

Please answer all four (4) questions utilizing textbook, and independent research if necessary. Provide 'complete answers'...

Please answer all four (4) questions utilizing textbook, and independent research if necessary. Provide 'complete answers' to the questions - indicating your knowledge of the subject matter supported by specific details and examples. All sources MUST be cited.  

Question 1. What is meant by the term sovereignty? Why is it significant in international law?

Question 2. Define the most-favoured-nation rule and describe two exceptions to the rule that are allowed by the GATT.

Question 3. What are the two main side agreements established under NAFTA? Describe their impact on trade between Canada, United States and Mexico.

Question 4. What is Brexit? What are some of the reasons behind Brexit?

In: Economics

Why do demographic data matter for understanding politics and political issues? Forecast which policies might be...

Why do demographic data matter for understanding politics and political issues? Forecast which policies might be affected if a greater number of young people were to get involved in elections and political movements. List at least one policy and explain why it matters to young voters (under 30).

In: Economics

a) Relationships between sets economic variables must always be qualified by the "ceteris paribus" phrase. What...

a) Relationships between sets economic variables must always be qualified by the "ceteris paribus" phrase. What does this phrase means, and how relevant is it for the development of economic theory?

b) What are the steps in the scientific methodology used by economists to investigate economic relationships.

In: Economics

1.In the long run, a firm in a perfectly competitive industry will supply output only if...

1.In the long run, a firm in a perfectly competitive industry will supply output only if its total revenue covers

Select one:

accounting costs

opportunity costs

2.The defining characteristic that makes a good a public good is that

Select one:

it is provided by government

it is rival in consumption

it is non-excludable

all of the answers are correct


If the marginal rate of substitution (MRS) of an indifference curve increases the indifference curve will

Select one:

become flatter

become steeper

shift inward

shift outward


Compared to a monopolistic competitor, a monopolist faces

Select one:

a more elastic demand curve

a more inelastic demand curve

a more elastic demand curve at higher prices and a more inelastic demand curve at lower prices

a demand curve with zero price elasticity


When there is an increase in the monopolist’s fixed costs in the short run

Select one:

the average variable cost curve shits upwards

the marginal cost curve shits upwards

the average (total) cost curve shifts upwards

the monopolist decreases output


The Orbiter bus (fare paying public transport managed by the council) in Christchurch is

Select one:

non-excludable and rival

excludable and rival

excludable and sometimes rival

non-excludable and sometimes rival


Using the following functions:

              Qd = 15 – 2P

              Qs = 3P - 6

if a tax of 20 cents is imposed on the market, the Qs + Tax function would become

Select one:

3P - 6.20

3P - 5.40

3P - 6.60

3P - 26


A cooperative equilibrium results when firms

Select one:

choose the best strategy regardless of what other players do

choose the strategy that maximizes the total game payoff

choose the strategy that minimizes the payoff to other players

choose a strategy by random chance


The price that a perfectly competitive firm receives for its output

Select one:

is determined by the interaction of the firm and all of the consumers who buy from the firm

is determined by the interaction of all sellers and all buyers in the firm's market

will not change in response to changes in market demand and supply because the firm is a price taker

will be lowered by the firm in order to sell more output


A supply curve usually has a negative x-axis intercept because

Select one:

price elasticity of supply is usually negative

the supply curve is upward sloping

the firm will not supply goods for free

all of the answers given are correct

In: Economics

Your hospital is considering opening a satellite urgent care center about five miles from your main...

Your hospital is considering opening a satellite urgent care center about five miles from your main campus. You have been charged with gathering demographic information that might affect the demand for the center’s services. What data are likely to be relevant? In this forum, list and add All the variables you need, and explain why you need them. Because you are working as a big group, I don't want you to miss anything!

In: Economics

According to Neoclassical economists the following is a means to stimulate economic growth? government spending to...

According to Neoclassical economists the following is a means to stimulate economic growth?

government spending to increase demand

high taxes

low taxes

The Phillips curve illustrates a trade-off between ________ and ________.

the natural rate of unemployment rate; the actual unemployment rate

the natural rate of unemployment; inflation

unemployment; inflation

The theory of ________ assumes that individuals will use all information available to them to form the most accurate possible expectations about the future.


rational expectations

Keynesian economics

adaptive expectations

Which of the following more than likely caused housing prices to fall after the media reported about the subprime mortgage crisis?


neoclassical theory

rational expectations

cyclical expectations

From a Keynesian view, during a recession, government investment in physical capital


always generates positive returns to investment.

has no risk of crowding out private investment in physical capital.

helps increase the output and productivity of an economy.

Tax cuts that are explicitly temporary have less impact than permanent ones because


temporary tax cuts are usually smaller than permanent ones.

temporary tax cuts always have less effect on the budget deficit than permanent ones do.

individuals and businesses do not change their behavior very much, since they do not expect the tax cuts to last.

In: Economics

A perfectly competitive firm currently producing 100 units of output has ATC= $6 and AFC =...

A perfectly competitive firm currently producing 100 units of output has ATC= $6 and AFC = $4. The market price is $3 and is equal to MC. Is the firm currently operating in the short-run or the long-run? Explain why. Discuss if the firm is currently maximizing profits (or equivalently minimizing losses)? Explain if shutting down the business in this current situation would be beneficial for the firm. If firms break even in the long run and earn zero economic profits, would they stay in the business? Explain why.

In: Economics