Suppose you have experienced two types of banks one being Islamic and the other one as...

Suppose you have experienced two types of banks one being Islamic and the other one as conventional. Based on this;
(a) What key differences and major issues of both types would share with your friend?
(b) What main reasons would you emphasize in order to help your friend to either choose Islamic or conventional bank?

In: Economics

Discuss the tradeoffs between stability & growth presented by the use of fiscal & monetary policies....

Discuss the tradeoffs between stability & growth presented by the use of fiscal & monetary policies. Discuss arguments in favor of & opposed to the use of discretionary policy to manage the business cycle. Provide at least one example of each.

In: Economics

explain the rise of anti-trust laws in the late 19th How did anti-trust laws shift after...

  1. explain the rise of anti-trust laws in the late 19th
  2. How did anti-trust laws shift after WW1? (WW1 ended in 1918)
  3. What does the documentary mean that anti-trust laws depend on politics more than any other area of law?

In: Economics

How can the US simultaneously finance a high level of domestic investment and have a large...

How can the US simultaneously finance a high level of domestic investment and have a large budget deficit and low private savings? Justify and explain your answer using equations from class.

In: Economics

Explain income elasticity of demand? Discuss how can it be used to determine whether a good...

Explain income elasticity of demand? Discuss how can it be used to determine whether a good is a normal good or an inferior good?

In: Economics

PART B The RBA intends to use open market operations in addition to reducing the cash...


The RBA intends to use open market operations in addition to reducing the cash rate.

Assume that a bond with no expiration date pays a fixed $300 annual interest and is selling for its face value of $10,000.

  1. Calculate the interest yield on the bond.

  1. Will the RBA buy or sell bonds if it uses open market operations? Briefly explain.
  1. As a result of the RBA’s decision above which of these two outcomes is more likely or correct?
  1. The market value of the bond will increase to $15,000 OR
  2. The market value of the bond will decrease to $6,000.

Explain your answer by calculating the new interest yield after the RBA’s open market operations; show your workings.

In: Economics

In a few paragraphs elaborate and compre 4 United States cities based on income education, gender,...

In a few paragraphs elaborate and compre 4 United States cities based on income education, gender, race (specifically white, black, and Hispanics) based on welfare. Why is this so? use two graphs to explain your view.

In: Economics

QUESTION TWO PART A The following two economic events impact on the value of the Australian...



The following two economic events impact on the value of the Australian dollar in the foreign exchange rate market.

Speculators believe that the price of Australian exported commodities (iron ore, coal) will increase and at the same time Australian households and firms purchase less imports.


Explain the effect of the above economic conditions on the demand for and supply of Australian dollars and the change in the value of the Australian dollar (AUD) in the foreign exchange rate market (Note: a diagram is not required for this question).

In: Economics

Postage Stamp 1973 1983 Today Nominal Price 8¢ 20¢ 47¢ Percent Increase in the price of...

Postage Stamp




Nominal Price



Percent Increase in the price of stamps





Percent increase in the CPI (Inflation)

Real Price


Calculate the percent change in the price of stamps for 1983 and today.

Calculate the percent change in the price level for 1983 and today.

What do you think will happen to the real price of stamps between 1973 and 1983? Between 1983 and today? Notice that I am asking for a prediction before you make the computation.

Calculate the real price of stamps.

Are the changes in the real price consistent with your prediction?

What does it mean if the real price falls? Rises? Remains constant?

In: Economics

Inflation Issues Does the base basket used to create the CPI precisely reflect your individual choices?...

Inflation Issues

  • Does the base basket used to create the CPI precisely reflect your individual choices? If the answer is no, do the inflation rates calculated using the CPI represent the changes in purchasing power that you actually experience?
  • Do you substitute between goods as one becomes more expensive, i.e., would you buy more of a less expensive good if the price of your first choice rose significantly? If the answer is yes, does the CPI inflation rate represent the decrease in purchasing power that you actually experienced?
  • Based on your answers to the above, does the choice of the market basket matter?

In: Economics

what are the goals of a human resource department? choose an organisation that you are familiar...

what are the goals of a human resource department? choose an organisation that you are familiar with and indicate which of these goals will be more important in this organisation and discuss why?

In: Economics

Analyse the current issues in promoting health (OH&S) that a manager needs to be aware of...

Analyse the current issues in promoting health (OH&S) that a manager needs to be aware of while managing people in contemporary organisations. Make appropriate recommendations in managing the issues

In: Economics

outline the three major strategies    pursued by Canadian      businesses. what implication do they have for the...

outline the three major strategies    pursued by Canadian      businesses. what implication do they have for the human resource function within the firms?illustrate your answer with suitable examples?

In: Economics

Business analysts question whether the Government should leave the onion matter ( India Shedding Tear Over...

Business analysts question whether the Government should leave the onion matter ( India Shedding Tear Over Onion Prices) of export and domestic price fluctuations to the natural forces of demand and supply, and intervene in the market only in the event of a large volatility, by subsidizing onions to consumers. Should farmers and traders benefit from such a policy, or should government scale up storage facilities by investing heavily in infrastructure to provide long- run price stability?

In: Economics

Performance Appraisal/Rewards at Oz Consolidated Oz Consolidated has a five-level performance appraisal system using a forced...

Performance Appraisal/Rewards at Oz Consolidated Oz Consolidated has a five-level performance appraisal system using a forced ranking distribution. Superior performers (the top 5 per cent) are rated 1, very good performers (the next 15 percent) are rated 2, good performers (the next 70 per cent) are rated 3, marginal performers (the next 5 per cent) are rated 4 and unsatisfactory performers (the bottom 5 percent) are rated 5. Employees rated 5 are given 3-6 months to improve their performance before they are considered for their termination. Merit pay increases are awarded only to those rated 1,2 or 3. Employees rated 4 and 5 are given only legally required pay increases. Promotions, bonus payments and stock options (granted only to those rated 1 or 2) are designed to foster a performance culture. Although meant to be confidential, employees quickly learn the ratings of other people in the organisation. Employees with a 1 rating are informally referred to as ‘superstars’, those with a 2 rating are called ‘stars’, employees rated 3 are called ‘workhorses’, those with a 4 rating are called ‘near misses’ and 5 ratings are referred to as ‘deadwood’. Problems can arise when a superstar is seen by their colleagues as belonging to another rating group. This causes envy among other workers and reluctance by them to communicate and cooperate with the superstar employee. The typical attitude is that if they are such ‘hotshots’, they don’t need my help. Likewise, a problem exists with a number of employees rated 3 because they regard their rating as really meaning that they are just average. As a result, they become demotivated, and the better ones (especially the borderline 2’s) frequently quit the company. A major source of contention also exists with those graded as ‘deadwood’. Some managers argue that a 5-rating resulting in termination is too harsh, implies that the employee can’t be ‘saved’, and does not sit well with an Australian egalitarian culture. Other managers argue that the system works properly by weeding out the non-performers and that by QUARTER 2 2020 Page 3 of 3 recognising, rewarding and motivating top performers it has allowed the company to prosper in a very competitive business environment. Another complication occurs with those rated marginal. A formal distinction is made in the performance appraisal record between employees who have been given a 4 rating because they are new or learning a job and those whose performance is rated ‘marginal’ because, (although trained and experienced), they do not meet the required performance standard. However, no such distinction exists in the minds of most workers. The result is that good employees become demotivated and refuse to move a new position (reducing their career development opportunities). Managers, as a consequence, face difficulties when trying to efficiently allocate their labour resources. The upshot of all this is that many managers claim that the forced distribution of employees (where mangers rank each employee from 1-5) creates too much ill feeling and should be abolished. Some mangers (especially the more politically powerful), frequently argue that their subordinates are all superior and therefore, are unfairly disadvantaged if restrictions are imposed on the numbers who can receive a superstar or star rating. Conversely, other managers object to rating employees in their department a 1 or 2 just to satisfy a theoretical distribution when they regard them as undeserving. All of this has created much discussion within the HR department about how to overcome the considerable dissatisfaction with the performance appraisal program present among the company’s managers and employees. Source: Stone,R.J (2017) – HRM

As a Manager at OZ Consolidated, discuss the ethical implications in the case and make five change recommendations. Use the Kohlberg’s scale to assess the level of morality

In: Economics