From Tesla’s website in 2014: “A year ago, Tesla introduced a Resale Value Guarantee that gives...

From Tesla’s website in 2014: “A year ago, Tesla introduced a Resale Value Guarantee that gives customers the option to return their Model S after three years for a known value. When combined with a car loan provided by Tesla’s banking partners, this program gives customers the functional equivalent of a lease.” Discuss how this program might help Tesla to solve the durable good monopoly problem described by Ronald Coase. Carefully explain the durable good problem and how this type of policy might relate to it.

In: Economics

You are thinking about launching a new line of hats. You need to decide whether to...

You are thinking about launching a new line of hats. You need to decide whether to make your hats relatively similar or different from other hats that are currently being sold. Other than considering consumer preferences, what strategic consideration should you consider in choosing how much to differentiate yourself from other hat sellers/milliners?

In: Economics

According to the author of "Health Economic and Finances" the author Getzen, 2013, who pays for...

According to the author of "Health Economic and Finances" the author Getzen, 2013, who pays for the cost of medical care increases: employers, employees, government or insurance companies? Why should we care (Chapter 5)?

In: Economics

Respond to the following in a minimum of 100 words: Discuss one of the market models...

Respond to the following in a minimum of 100 words:

Discuss one of the market models and provide an example of a real-world market that matches the market model you chose. What does economic theory teach you about the industry you chose?

In: Economics

Y = C + I + G + NX Y = 18,500; G = 4,000; T...

Y = C + I + G + NX

Y = 18,500; G = 4,000; T = 2,000

C = 750 + 3/4 (Y - T)

I = 1,000 - 50r

CF = 750 - 25r

NX = 1,825 - 150ϵϵ

(a) In this economy solve for consumption, private and public saving, national saving, investment, the trade balance, the net capital outflow (net foreign investment), the real interest rate and the real exchange rate.

(b) The demand of funds for foreign direct investment is in reality a function of the domestic real interest rate, r, and the world real interest rate, r*, given by: CF = 750 - 50r + 25r*. Confirm that if r = r* at the real interest rate you found in (a) you get the same solution as in (a).

(c) The world interest rate increases to r* = 10. Solve for consumption, private and public saving, national saving, investment, the trade balance, the net capital outflow (net foreign investment), the domestic real interest rate, and the real exchange rate. (Hint: To solve you need CF as a function of only r, so use the value of r* in the CF function to leave it like that and solve the model.)

(d) What can you concur that happens in a large open economy in the long run if the world interest rate increases relative to the domestic real interest rate with respect to what you've found in part (c)?

In: Economics

Suppose that you are given the following information. Answer the following question: Labor force 200 million...

Suppose that you are given the following information. Answer the following question:

Labor force 200 million
Adults in the military 1 million
Population below 16 50 million
Employed adults 180 million
Institutionalized adults 3 million
Not in Labor force 40 million

1. What is the total population? ( show your work)

2. How many people are unemployed, and what is the unemployment rate?

3. what is the labor force participation rate?

In: Economics

During the financial crisis of 2008 the Federal Reserve bought mortgage backed securities. Why did they...

During the financial crisis of 2008 the Federal Reserve bought mortgage backed securities. Why did they do this? Were the mortgage backed securities successful or not?

In: Economics

a) Using appropriate diagrams, explain foreign exchange operation, open market operation and sterilization under Portfolio Balance...

a) Using appropriate diagrams, explain foreign exchange operation, open market operation and sterilization under Portfolio Balance Model.

b) In view of the Walras's law, if n-1 markets are already specified. the specification of bond market would have been superfluous. Explain bond market equilibrium using model.

c) What is Walras Law? Explain using appropriate equations.

d) Explain what is meant by exchange rate overshooting/undershooting.

In: Economics

Suppose an oil-importing economy is in long-run equilibrium. Organization of petroleum exporting countries decides to reduce...

Suppose an oil-importing economy is in long-run equilibrium. Organization of petroleum exporting countries decides to reduce oil production causing oil price to soar.

b. To stabilize price in short-run, should Central bank decrease discount rate?

c. If policymakers do nothing, please show the new long run equilibrium. What causes the economy to move from short run to long run equilibrium?

Please answer both if possible, thank you so much.

In: Economics

all about interest rate parity

all about interest rate parity

In: Economics

Burger King Barriers to entry (List three different ones)

Burger King
Barriers to entry (List three different ones)

In: Economics

Problem 1 a.) Is everybody made worse off by an increase in interest rate? b.) Can...

Problem 1

a.) Is everybody made worse off by an increase in interest rate?

b.) Can you think of any financial innovation in the past ten years that has affected you personally? Has it made you better off or worse off? Why?

c.) What effect might a fall in stock prices have on business investment?

In: Economics

‘Present Economic Inflation will Affect Entrepreneurs'

Present Economic Inflation will Affect Entrepreneurs'

In: Economics

Why are procedures, such as a cesarean section or knee replacement, vary in cost from one...

Why are procedures, such as a cesarean section or knee replacement, vary in cost from one hospital/region to another (Getzen, 2013, Health Economics and Finance, Chapter 8)?

In: Economics

This is about the market failure Obamacare tried to fix. Can you elaborate on the market...

This is about the market failure Obamacare tried to fix. Can you elaborate on the market failures that insurance and supplier induced demand were aimed at addressing? Also, what type of reforms need to be invoked to pursue these missions?

In: Economics