the kelowna go-kart club has decided to build a clubhouse five years from now. it must...

the kelowna go-kart club has decided to build a clubhouse five years from now. it must accumulate $50000 by the end of five years by setting aside a uniform amount from its dues at the end of each year. if the imterest rate is 10 percent, how much must be set aside each year?

In: Economics

1) We came out of the 2001 recession some time back (quite some times back). What...

1) We came out of the 2001 recession some time back (quite some times back). What kind of policies were adopted to help get us out of that recession? Do these sound like Keynesian policies or Classical ones? Why? How would the policies by the other school of thought look different? What about the policies adopted to get us out of the 2008 recession? What kind of policies were these?

In: Economics

1- What is a transcultural competence? 2-As a young graduate who got a job in a...

1- What is a transcultural competence?

2-As a young graduate who got a job in a multinational company based in one of the European countries, how do you develop the competence?

In: Economics

According to Ballenger, What is argumentative logic and how might you use it to organize a...

According to Ballenger, What is argumentative logic and how might you use it to organize a paper?

In: Economics

According to Ballenger, what are the three things that all essays must do?

According to Ballenger, what are the three things that all essays must do?

In: Economics

Consider the market for potatoes. You can assume perfect competition. It is known that the market...

Consider the market for potatoes. You can assume perfect competition.
It is known that the market equilibrium price is $3 per kg and the market equilibrium quantity is 100,000 kg. It is known that when the price is $3 price elasticity of demand is 0.4 and price elasticity of supply is 1.1. Assume that initially the market for potatoes is in equilibrium.
a)   Draw a diagram with (downward-sloping) demand and (upward-sloping) supply schedules. Indicate the market equilibrium, consumer surplus, producer surplus and the dead-weight loss. (Remember the relation between elasticity and the absolute slope of the demand and supply schedules. You do not have to be precise, just make sure it is clear which schedule is steeper).

You answer.

b)   If the price increases by 5% what would be the percentage change of quantity demanded? What would be the new quantity demanded? If the price increases from $3 to $3.03 what would be the new quantity producers would be willing to supply?

You answer.

c)   The government decides to introduce a 10% tax on the price of potatoes. How would such a decision affect the equilibrium price (paid by consumers) and the equilibrium quantity? Explain using a clearly labelled graph. (Note that you are not required to calculate anything in this question.)

You answer.

d)   What would happen to consumer surplus, producer surplus, government revenue and the dead-weight loss when the 10% tax on the price of potatoes is implemented. Explain. Show the new consumer surplus, producer surplus, government revenue and the dead-weight loss on the graph in part c). Who bears higher tax burden, consumers or producers? Explain.

You answer.

In: Economics

List prevailing outcomes (conditions) for respective parties (consumers and producers) when allocative efficiency (efficiency in consumption...

List prevailing outcomes (conditions) for respective parties (consumers and producers) when allocative efficiency (efficiency in consumption and efficiency in production) prevails.

This is an economics problems. Please answer it by using the Microeconomics concepts.

In: Economics

Question 4 (20 marks) Consider the market for potatoes. You can assume perfect competition. It is...

Question 4

Consider the market for potatoes. You can assume perfect competition.

It is known that the market equilibrium price is $3 per kg and the market equilibrium quantity is 100,000 kg. It is known that when the price is $3 price elasticity of demand is 0.4 and price elasticity of supply is 1.1.   Assume that initially the market for potatoes is in equilibrium.

  1. Draw a diagram with (downward-sloping) demand and (upward-sloping) supply schedules. Indicate the market equilibrium, consumer surplus, producer surplus and the dead-weight loss. (Remember the relation between elasticity and the absolute slope of the demand and supply schedules. You do not have to be precise, just make sure it is clear which schedule is steeper).

You answer.

  1. If the price increases by 5% what would be the percentage change of quantity demanded? What would be the new quantity demanded? If the price increases from $3 to $3.03 what would be the new quantity producers would be willing to supply?

You answer.

  1. The government decides to introduce a 10% tax on the price of potatoes. How would such a decision affect the equilibrium price (paid by consumers) and the equilibrium quantity? Explain using a clearly labelled graph. (Note that you are not required to calculate anything in this question.)

You answer.

  1. What would happen to consumer surplus, producer surplus, government revenue and the dead-weight loss when the 10% tax on the price of potatoes is implemented. Explain.   Show the new consumer surplus, producer surplus, government revenue and the dead-weight loss on the graph in part c). Who bears higher tax burden, consumers or producers? Explain.

You answer.

In: Economics

question 3.1 a)   Briefly explain how a decrease in housing prices would affect consumption and investment....

question 3.1
a)   Briefly explain how a decrease in housing prices would affect consumption and investment. You may assume that consumers would like to maintain their target wealth. (word limit: max 100 words)

You answer.

b)   Given your answer to a), what is likely to happen to GDP? Explain using a diagram.

You answer.

c)   Given your answer to b), how can the government use fiscal policy to prevent GDP from changing? Use a diagram in your explanation.

You answer.

d)   If the marginal propensity to import is large, what can be said about effectiveness of fiscal policy? (2 mark)

You answer.

question 3.2
Country X has run budget deficit for the past twenty years and its government debt stands at 120% of GDP. Due to pandemic of COVID-19 the government considers implementing big investment in infrastructure and effective decrease in taxes. Expert 1 says that the debt to GDP ratio is too high and the country cannot afford increasing it any further. Expert 1 suggests printing money instead to finance budget deficit arguing that it would be cheaper and more efficient way of financing budget deficit. You are hired as Expert 2. Would you agree with Expert 1? Explain. What would be your advice to the government? (word limit: max 200 words).

You answer.

In: Economics

According to Richard Wolff, why did wages stop rising in the 1970s? How did workers react...

According to Richard Wolff, why did wages stop rising in the 1970s? How did workers react to stagnate wages? How did stagnate wages affect business?

In: Economics

How does Sandel counter the economist's Utilitarian argument in favor of ticket scalping and paid line-standers?

How does Sandel counter the economist's Utilitarian argument in favor of ticket scalping and paid line-standers?

In: Economics

PLEASE TYPE!!! atleast 3 paragraphs please There are many other tips that can be found online...

PLEASE TYPE!!! atleast 3 paragraphs please

There are many other tips that can be found online to help anyone save money. Perform at least one internet search to find informative or educational web pages about tips to save money. Read through at least one of them. Be sure the web page you found includes the information you need to discuss in your paragraph (see below). Address all of the following in your paragraph: What web page(s) did you find? Identify each web page by their title (as shown in the Google search results) and web address (URL). Have you tried any of the tips identified in the web page(s)? If yes, which of the ways to save money have you tried and which tip have you found to be the most effective in saving money? Why do you think they would be/are effective? If no, which tip do you think would be the most effective for you and that you might want to try. Why would you think this tip might be the most effective for you?

In: Economics

Francis Fukuyama argues that "history has ended." Samuel Huntington warns of an imminent "clash of civilizations."...

Francis Fukuyama argues that "history has ended." Samuel Huntington warns of an imminent "clash of civilizations." Who is correct? What do the histories of Germany and Iran suggest about which argument may be correct?

In: Economics

Summarize the Libertarian and Utilitarian arguments in favor of the market.

Summarize the Libertarian and Utilitarian arguments in favor of the market.

In: Economics

WRITTEN WORK do 5 of 7 (10 Marks) Articulate an argument for and against five of...

WRITTEN WORK do 5 of 7 Articulate an argument for and against five of the following statements.

Topic 1: GDP is the best measure of how well an economy is doing

Topic 2: Inflation harms the poorest and most venerable in our economy

Topic 3: Everybody gains from free trade.

Topic 4: Increases in GDP reflect increases in the well-being of a country.

Topic 5: Steps should be taken to reduce its size of the underground economy in Canada

Topic 6: An economy experiences cyclical fluctuations and this is good for a market based economy.

Topic 7: Large corporations are the major drivers of the world’s economy

In: Economics