In: Economics
“COVID-19 Impacton Economy”
Assume the economy of country A is in a long-run equilibrium with full employment. The nominal wage of workers are fixed in the short run.
a)Draw a graph which shows the short-run aggregate supply, long-run aggregate supply, and aggregate demand. Describe the equilibrium point and show each of the following:
i ) Equilibrium output, labelled Y1
ii) Equilibrium price level, labelled P1.
b)Owing to the outbreak of COVID19, the export market of country A has decreased. On your graph in part a), describe in detailsonthe effect of lower exporton the equilibrium in the short run, labelling the new equilibrium output and price level Y2 and P2, respectively.
c)Based on your result in part b), what is the impact of lower export on real wages in the short run? Explain.
d)Show, with a new graph,how the economy will return to its new equilibrium in the long run if the government does not intervene. Explain.
e)Suppose the government decides to increase expenditure on new equipment.
(i)What component of aggregate demand will change?Explain.
(ii)What is the impact on the long-run aggregate supply? Explain.
Remarks : From part a) to e), should illustrate with diagrams, graphs, tables and graphics to support arguments whenever appropriate
Words should be more than 500 words( total of a to e ) .
Please help !! Thank You .
We shall be using Keynesian and Neoclassical framework to analyse impact of COVID-19 on the economy.
Consider the Diagram,
(a.) As per above figure, the long run equilirium is established at point E1 where equilibirum output is Y1 and equilibirum price level is P1. At E1, all three curves i.e. LRAS, SRAS and AD intersects reflecting optimal state of the economy. Economy is neither producing too much nor too less.
(b.) Now due to outbreak of COVID-19, the demand for exports from Rest of the world declines for Country A.
(c.) Since nominal wages are fixed (Assuming sticky wages) and price level have declined due to the fall in AD, the real wages will rise. This implies cost of production have increased for the firms. However, firms will revise the contract later with declined expected price levels.
(d) We can see in the Short run, prices and output are lower than the full employment level. Now we shall use Sticky wage theory to depict adjustment for the Long run. The important aspect of this theory is expected wages. Since price level has declined, the expected price level will be revised downwards. Consequently, nominal wages will fall as firms will revise the contracts based on new expected price level. The decline in nominal wages reduces cost of production. The firms will produce more output at the given level of prices. Overtime expected price level will fall, consequently SRAS curve will shift rightwards to SRAS'.The new equilibirum will be established at point E3 where all the curves( LRAS, SRAS' & AD') intersects. Here economy again reached full employment level with Equibirum prices (P3) lower than the initial full employment level prices (P1).