causes of business cycle fluctuations-
creates high level of fluctuation and this is the most effective tool to
control the level of inflation.high interest rates decrease the
business investment and vice verse is also
RELATED WITH FISCAL POLICY-government policy can
either increase the confidence of investor to boost up the level of
economic capacity or it can discourage the producers to
THE CONSUMER AND PRODUCERS-if consumers are confident then the
marginal propensity to consume would be higher and thus the economy
would develop but if people are under the threat of job insecurity
and under the panic situation then they would save instead of
consuming and thus the MPS would be higher and multiplier would be
SITUATION-if economy is facing any crisis then
it would create heavy fluctuation and
this would give rise to speculation and conflict concerned with the
economy policies and decisions.
CONCERNED WITH TECHNOLOGIES-if technical changes are positive and
favorable to nation then it would give rise to positive fluctuation
and if it makes adverse impact on the economy then it would leads
to negative fluctuation in the economy.
relationship between business cycle and spending.

- when the
economy is in expansion stage,then the government would reduce its
spending because economy would be self reliant and thus the private
sector would be playing important role.
- during the
boom period government would decline its spending further and
instead of incentive the
government would impose taxes,in this situation the spending of
public would be at its peak and there would be inflation in the
- at the stage
of recession the people
would be saving more and more money instead of investing and there
would be lack of consumption and therefore lack of production and
thus there would be vicious circle of poverty exists.people would
spend less and there would be unemployment in the
economy.GDP of the country would fall.government would
decrease the level of tax and provide incentives to the production
- in the
depression situation the
economy would be in financial crisis and there would be lack of
private investment and economy would be no more self reliant and
thus the government would be the last resort of
development.government would incur huge public spending in the
economy and thus there would be increase in employment due
to development work and then increase in
- in the recovery stage the government
would keep providing incentives and public spending till the
economy is at stability point.people would start increasing
consumption as per their increase in