
In: Statistics and Probability

Suppose that the distribution of wind velocity, X, is described by the probability density function f(x)...

Suppose that the distribution of wind velocity, X, is described by the probability density function f(x) = (x/σ^2)e^-(x^2/ 2(σ^2)) , x ≥ 0. Suppose that for the distribution of wind velocity in Newcastle, measured in km/hr, σ^2 = 100.

(a) In task 1, you showed that the quantile function for this distribution is given by: Q(p) = σ (−2 ln(1 − p))^(1/2), 0 ≤ p < 1 Use this quantile function to generate 100,000 random values from this distribution (when σ 2 = 100) in R using the probability integral transformation, as follows:

• Generate 100,000 random values Y from a Uniform distribution from 0 to 1

• Generate 100,000 random values from X using its quantile function: X = Q(Y ).

(b) In task 1, you showed that the median of X is 11.77 km/hr. Verify this by finding the median of the 100,000 random numbers generated from X in part (a).

(c) In task 1, you showed that the expected value of X is σ (π 2) . When σ^2 = 100, E(X) = 12.53 km/hr. Verify this by finding the mean of the 100,000 random numbers generated from X in part (a). To earn full marks, provide all R commands used to calculate the mean and evidence of your numerical estimate (screenshot or RMarkdown).

(d) Consider the transformation W = (X^2)/ (2(σ^2)) Show that W is a monotonically increasing function of X.

(e) Use either the change-of-variable method or the distribution function method to show that W follows an exponential distribution with λ = 1.

(f) Use R to generate 100,000 values of W by applying the transformation from part (d) to the 100,000 values of X generated in part (a). To earn full marks, provide all R commands used (screenshot or RMarkdown).

(g) As W follows an exponential distribution with λ = 1, both the expected value and variance of W are equal to 1. Verify this by deriving the mean and variance of the 100,000 values generated from W. To earn full marks, provide all R commands used to calculate the mean and variance and evidence of your numerical estimates (screenshot or RMarkdown).


Expert Solution

The pdf of wind velocity, X is given by

In task1 I think you have already shown that the cdf of X is

Using this we have the quantile function as

We will use R to do the following steps

  • Generate 100,000 random values Y from a Uniform distribution from 0 to 1
  • Generate 100,000 random values from X using its quantile function: X = Q(Y ).


#set the seed

#set the value of sigma
#Generate 100,000 random values Y from a Uniform distribution from 0 to 1
#Generate 100,000 random values from X using its quantile function: X = Q(Y ).
#print some values of X

#--output is

b) R code for median of X

#b)median of X
print(paste("Median of X is",round(Xmedian,2)))

#--output is

Sample median is close to the theoretical value of 11.77

c) Expected value of X

#c) Expected value of X
print(paste("Sample mean of X is",round(Xmean,2)))

#--output is

Sample mean of 12.52 is close to the expected value of 12.53

d) The transformation is

A function is monotonically increasing if its first derivative is positive over the domain of the function

The first derivative of W is

We know that the . That means the first derivative is also positive for the entire range of X.

Hence W is a monotonically increasing function of X

e) First we will state the general theorem of transformation

If X has a pdf   and the transformation W=g(x) is monotonically increasing

the pdf of W is



the pdf of W is

This is an exponential distribution with

f) Use R to generate 100,000 values of W

R code

#f) Use R to generate 100,000 values of W
#print some values of W

#--output is below

g) R code

#g) mean and variance of the 100,000 values generated from W
print(paste("Sample mean of W is",round(Wmean,2)))
print(paste("Sample variance of W is",round(Wvar,2)))

#--output is

Mean and variance are equal to 1, as expected

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