
In: Statistics and Probability

26. a correlated sample t test minimizes a most important type of random error namely that error due to




26. a correlated sample t test minimizes a most important type of random error namely that error due to

a. individual differences

b. measurement deficiencies

c. equipment breakdowns

d. any uncontrolled factors

e. instrument unreliabilty

27. Refer to the following parenthetical statement appearing in a published report [x2(3, n = 56) = 11.69, p < 0.01]

The p-value of less than 0.01 associated the chi-square test reflects a very

a. common event that fails to support the null hypothesis

b. common event that supports the research hypothesis

c. rare event that fails to support the research hypothesis

d. rare event that supports the research hypothesis

28. The difference between setting x=.05 and x=.01 is

a. with x=.05 we are more willing to risk a type I error

b. with x=.05 we are more willing to risk a type II error

c. x=.05 is a more "conservative" test of Ho

d. with x=.05 we are less willing to risk a type I error

e. none of the above

29. if we say there is a real difference between two groups of data but in reality there is no difference we have committed what kind of error

a. Type I error

b. Typer II error

c. Type III error

d. beta error

e. two tailed error

31. The purpose of post hoc multiple comparison tests (such as Turkey's HSD) is to

a. determine, before running a test like ANOVA where possible differences might occur

b. investigate why the Ho was not rejected

c. explain the size of the error variance

d. determine which groups differ significantly after the Ho has been rejected

e. none of the above


Expert Solution

Question 26) Correct answer is

a) individual differences

This problem of individual difference arises due to chane in opinion of due to people scoring differentlly based on their history of experiences and basic abilities. in correlated sample t test by taking paired difference we reduce eorror that arises due individual difference.

Question 27) Correct answer is

a) common event that fails to support then null hypothesis

While conducting the test hypothesis primary objective is to reject the null hypothesis so a p value<0.001 is very common event in terms of rejecting the null hypothesis

Question 28) Correct answer is

a) with x=.05 we are more willing to risk a type I error

The value means that there is 5% risk of rejecting a null hypothesis when it true (type I error)

And the value means there is 1% risk of rejecting a null hypothesis when it true (type I error)

therefore by setting we more willing risk type I error.

Question 29) Correct answer is

a) Type I error

The null hypothesis in above case will be H0 : There is no difference between groups now if we reject this hypothesis even when there is no difference in reality then by definition we comitted type I error.

Questio 31) Correct answer is

d) determine which groups differ significantly after the Ho has been rejected

Post hoc tests are performed after we conclude that there a statistically significant difference between groups to confirm where the difference between group occured.

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