Problem1. A piston cylinder device containing 0.5 kg of water has initial volume of 0.5L. The device starts and goes through a Carnot cycle and generates 500.3 kJ work. If the maximum temperature that water will reach is 1.5 times the minimum temperature of water and during heat rejection process, water goes from saturated vapor to saturated liquid phase. Find: 1. QH & QL for this cycle (10 points). 2. TH & TL for this cycle (10 points). 3. Maximum and minimum pressures that the cycle will reach (20 points). 4. Show this process on a T-v diagram and label temperature, pressures and specific volumes. (To get full points, your states, and your processes should be accurately placed in relation to isobaric lines and vapor dome) (10 points). 5. The expansion and compression of water in this device are quasi-equilibrium processes, EXPLAIN why this process delivers the highest amount of work (5 points). 6. Find the pressure at remaining state(s) (Bonus 5 points)
In: Mechanical Engineering
R-134a flows in a horizontal 8 mm diameter circular tube. The mass flux is 400 kg/m2s, the entering quality is 0.0, and the existing quality is 0.8. The tube length is 3 m. Assuming a constant saturation temperature of 20°C, plot the variation of hTP as a function of x.
In: Mechanical Engineering
Differentiate continuous and project type production
In: Mechanical Engineering
Consider the TOYCO model given below:
TOYCO Primal:
max z=3x1+2x2+5x3
x1 + 2x2 + x3 ? 430 (Operation 1)
3x1 + 2x3 ? 460 (Operation 2)
x1 + 4x2 ? 420 (Opeartion 3 )
x1, x2, x3 ?0
Optimal tableau is given below:
basic | x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | solution |
z | 4 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 1350 |
x2 | -1/4 | 1 | 0 | 1/2 | -1/4 | 0 | 100 |
x3 | 3/2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1/2 | 0 | 230 |
x6 | 2 | 0 | 0 | -2 | 1 | 1 | 20 |
a) Suppose that TOYCO wants to change the capacities of the three operations as bT = [460, 500, 400](the new right-hand-side vector). Use the post optimality analysis to determine the optimum solution.
b) Suppose that TOYCO adds a fourth operation with the operation times of 4, 1, and 2 minutes for product 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Assume that the capacity of the fourth operation is 548 minutes. Determine the new optimal solution for this case.
c) Suppose the objective function is changed to z = 3x1 + 6x2 + x3. If the solution changes, use the post-optimal analysis to find the new solution.
d) Suppose TOYCO wants to produce toy planes. It requires 3,2,4 minutes respectively on operations 1,2, and 3. Determine the optimal solution when the revenue per unit for toy planes is $10.
In: Mechanical Engineering
List and describe the sequence of events for injection molding.
In: Mechanical Engineering
Introduce current technological challenges with respect to the engineering design of vision systems for drones and autonomous vehicles. Also, present the underlying physical and engineering principle of autonomous vision systems. How can the existing drone detector technology be improved further? (For instance, you may relate to class material with emphasis on deep learning, neural network, cognition vision features, neuromorphic vision, bioinspired vision and other.)
In: Mechanical Engineering
How would one machine a typical shaft and shaft sleeve? Describe the sequence of operations. What are the manufacturing process used? Please answer with detail.
In: Mechanical Engineering
b. Conduct an analysis for a gas turbine combustor using Propane, C3H8, you can assume the product outlet temperature is 1500 K and the air inlet temperature is 650 K on a standard day (25 C) and the fuel enters at ambient temperature.
In: Mechanical Engineering
List the parameters that influence temperature during metal cutting, and explain why and how?
In: Mechanical Engineering
A thin airfoil can be approximated as a flat plate. The airfoil is set at an angle of 10° to an air flow with Mach 2, a temperature of –50°C, and a pressure of 50 kPa. Using linearized theory, find the pressures on the upper and lower surfaces of this wing.
In: Mechanical Engineering
A small research vehicle with a length of 4 ft travels at Mach 15 at altitudes of 100,000 and 250,000 ft. Determine whether, at these two altitudes, the missile is in the continuum, slip, transition, or free molecular flow regimes. It can be assumed that at an altitude of 100,000 ft, the pressure, temperature, and viscosity are 22 psf, 340 R, and 96 × 10?7 lbm/ft-s, respectively, whereas at an altitude of 250,000 ft, they are 0.11 psf, 450 R, and 100 × 10?7 lbm/ft-s, respectively
In: Mechanical Engineering
Consider a compressor in which air enters at 1 bar, 27°C and exits at 3.5 bar, 127°C. The work required is 127 kJ/kg of air flowing through the compressor. Heat transfer between the compressor and environment occurs at 27°C.
(a) the heat transfer, in kJ/kg
(b) the entropy generation rate, in kJ/kg.K, for the compressor as a control volume
(c) the entropy generation rate, in kJ/kg.K, for the compressor and the surrounding environment
(d) the entropy generation rate, in kJ/kg.K, for the environment alone.
In: Mechanical Engineering
An object of irregular shape has a characteristic length of L = 1 m and is maintained at a uniform surface temperature of Ts = 325 K. It is suspended in an airstream that is at atmospheric pressure (p = 1 atm) and has a velocity of V = 100 m/s and a temperature of T? = 275 K. The average heat flux from the surface to the air is 12,000 W/m2. Referring to the foregoing situation as case 1, consider the following cases and determine whether conditions are analogous to those of case 1. Each case involves an object of the same shape, which is suspended in an airstream in the same manner. Where analogous behavior does exist, determine the corresponding value of the average heat or mass transfer convection coefficient, as appropriate.
(a) The values of Ts, T?, and p remain the same, but L = 2 m and V = 50 m/s.
(b) The values of Ts and T? remain the same, but L = 2 m, V = 50 m/s, and p = 0.2 atm.
(c) The surface is coated with a liquid film that evaporates into the air. The entire system is at 300 K, and the diffusion coefficient for the air–vapor mixture is DAB = 1.12 × 10?4 m2/s. Also, L = 2 m, V = 50 m/s, and p = 1 atm.
(d) The surface is coated with another liquid film for which DAB = 1.12 × 10?4 m2/s, and the system is at 300 K. In this case L = 2 m, V = 250 m/s, and p = 0.2 atm.
In: Mechanical Engineering
Explain unconventional machining process?
b) why it applicable to small machining operations.
In: Mechanical Engineering
Determine L10 (hours) for the given system below:
Type of bearings: Angular-Contact Ball Bearings
Series: 02-55 (Bore = 55 mm)
Which ring rotates? Inner ring
n_D (revs/min) = 320
af (application factor) = 1.2
R = 92%
Fr (radial, kN) = 4
Fa (axial, kN) = 4
In: Mechanical Engineering