
In: Computer Science

Fill up the blanks Transmission Original Firewalls Verification Sensitive Share Hackers Appropriate Backup Data Safeguards Networks...

Fill up the blanks













User identification





Data encryption




Logon security



Access controls












Back ups





Anti-virus software




A network aims to _________________ resources and provide communication for users. It provides an opportunity for _______________ to access data. Network security requires careful planning and needs constant review to ensure procedures are ________________. Security of information involves storage, ________________ and data security.

Networks are required to store huge quantities of _______________. Storage involves using _______________ disk and magnetic tape. Magnetic disk storage is used when _________________ immediate access to data is required. It uses direct ___________. This form of access allows data to be found directly without accessing all the ______________ data. Magnetic tape is used as a back up _______________. It can store large quantities of data ________________. Magnetic ____________ uses sequential access. This form of access starts at the beginning of the tape and reads all of the data until the required ______________ is found.

Network users are encouraged to store important files on the __________________. However, a server is exposed to many risks such as a ______________, theft or circuitry failure. Regular backups of data stored on the server are _______________. A backup is another copy of the data that could be used to _____________ the system. _____________ are sent to a warehouse storage facility through the Internet or secured off site. If the system goes down the ______________ process rebuilds the system. The success of backup and recovery depends on implementing appropriate procedures.

Data security is a series of _____________ to protect data. There is a range of security techniques that apply to networks:

  • ___________________ is the ability to identify the user to the network and to ____________ their identity. A user is identified by entering a user _________ and confirms their identity by entering a valid password. A _____________ is secret words or numbers that are typed on the keyboard to gain access to the system.
  • ___________________ involves protecting user ID and passwords from _____________ access. The password file should be ________________ and secured.
  • ___________________ restrict users or a group of users to those files and resources they need to ____________ their job. When _________________ to a network a certain level of access is granted. This is done during the process of logging on.
  • ___________________ is used to prevent data from being ______________ during transmission. Encryption is the process of coding data and _______________ is the process of changing the data back. It is the most effective way to achieve data security during the _______________ of data. Data is coded, transmitted, and then converted back to its _________________ form.
  • ___________________ are used on a network to check all incoming data for the purpose of ________________ and authentication. A firewall aims to protect the network from hackers trying to access _____________ information. Large networks have more than one firewall because _____________ need to be placed at all critical points.

__________________ is used to scan the network for a range of well-known viruses. Data _____________ by a virus is often costly to repair or impossible to replace. There is no guarantee that anti-virus programs will stop every __________ as new viruses are always appearing. However, if the network uses the latest virus definition files and regularly uses the anti-virus program problems will be ______________.


Expert Solution

The solutions are bold and underlined as given below:


A network aims to share resources and provide communication for users. It provides an opportunity for hackers to access data. Network security requires careful planning and needs constant review to ensure procedures are appropriate. Security of information involves storage, backup and data security.

Networks are required to store huge quantities of data. Storage involves using magnetic disk and magnetic tape. Magnetic disk storage is used when immediate access to data is required. It uses direct access. This form of access allows data to be found directly without accessing all the previous data. Magnetic tape is used as a back up medium. It can store large quantities of data inexpensively. Magnetic tape uses sequential access. This form of access starts at the beginning of the tape and reads all of the data until the required item is found.

Network users are encouraged to store important files on the server. However, a server is exposed to many risks such as a crash, theft or circuitry failure. Regular backups of data stored on the server are essential. A backup is another copy of the data that could be used to rebuild the system. Backup are sent to a warehouse storage facility through the Internet or secured off site. If the system goes down the recovery process rebuilds the system. The success of backup and recovery depends on implementing appropriate procedures.

Data security is a series of safeguards to protect data. There is a range of security techniques that apply to networks:

    User identification is the ability to identify the user to the network and to confirm their identity. A user is identified by entering a user ID and confirms their identity by entering a valid password. A password is secret words or numbers that are typed on the keyboard to gain access to the system.
    Logon security involves protecting user ID and passwords from unauthorised access. The password file should be encrypted and secured.
    Access controls restrict users or a group of users to those files and resources they need to perform their job. When connecting to a network a certain level of access is granted. This is done during the process of logging on.
    Data Encryption is used to prevent data from being intercepted during transmission. Encryption is the process of coding data and decryption is the process of changing the data back. It is the most effective way to achieve data security during the transmission of data. Data is coded, transmitted, and then converted back to its original form.
    Firewalls are used on a network to check all incoming data for the purpose of verification and authentication. A firewall aims to protect the network from hackers trying to access sensitive information. Large networks have more than one firewall because barriers need to be placed at all critical points.

Anti-virus software is used to scan the network for a range of well-known viruses. Data infected by a virus is often costly to repair or impossible to replace. There is no guarantee that anti-virus programs will stop every virus as new viruses are always appearing. However, if the network uses the latest virus definition files and regularly uses the anti-virus program problems will be minimised.

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