
In: Computer Science

Write a program to complete the following tasks. Record all results to a data file called "GradeSheet.dat".


Write a program to complete the following tasks. Record all results to a data file called "GradeSheet.dat".

(1) Read the grade sheet from attached data file, "Assignment4.dat". Print the original grade sheet.

(3) Write a module to sort array GRADE[] and print the sorted grade sheet.

(4) Write a module to sort array NAME[] and print the sorted grade sheet.

(5) Write a module to sort array ID[] and print the sorted grade sheet.

(6) Write a module to print the student's id, name, and grade for student with highest grade and with lowest grade, respectively.

(7) Write a module to determine mean of the grades.

(8) Write a module to list students with grade is less than mean.

*** Coding modules for Assignment 4

*** Using pointers for allocating all the arrays

Assignment 4


5532 Mary 100

7856 Tom 99.56

3345 Cathy 33.78

1229 Jim 89.42

2785 David 67.52

9954 Rob 99.25

2388 Sue 87.29

6523 Michael 60.55

1287 Zach 76.12

2783 Amy 90.55


Expert Solution


using namespace std;

void swap(int *ids, string *names, double *grades, int i, int j){
   int temp = ids[i];
   ids[i] = ids[j];
   ids[j] = temp;
   string ntemp = names[i];
   names[i] = names[j];
   names[j] = ntemp;
   double gtemp = grades[i];
   grades[i] = grades[j];
   grades[j] = gtemp;

void sortByGrade(int *ids, string *names, double *grades, int size){
   for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i){
       for (int j = 0; j < size - 1; ++j){
           if (grades[j] > grades[j + 1]){
               swap(ids, names, grades, j, j + 1);

void sortByName(int *ids, string *names, double *grades, int size){
   for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i){
       for (int j = 0; j < size - 1; ++j){
           if (names[j] > names[j + 1]){
               swap(ids, names, grades, j, j + 1);

void sortById(int *ids, string *names, double *grades, int size){
   for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i){
       for (int j = 0; j < size - 1; ++j){
           if (ids[j] > ids[j + 1]){
               swap(ids, names, grades, j, j + 1);

void printLowestHighest(int *ids, string *names, double *grades, int size){
   int minInd = 0;
   int maxInd = 0;
   for (int i = 1; i < size; ++i){
       if (grades[i] < grades[minInd]){
           minInd = i;
       if (grades[i] > grades[maxInd]){
           maxInd = i;
   string fileName = "GradeSheet.dat";
   ofstream out;, ofstream::out | ofstream::app);
   if (out.is_open()){
       out << "Student with minuimum grades" << endl;
       out << "===================================================" << endl;
       out << ids[minInd] << "\t" << names[minInd] << "\t" << grades[minInd] << endl;
       out << "===================================================" << endl << endl;

       out << "Student with maximum grades" << endl;
       out << "===================================================" << endl;
       out << ids[maxInd] << "\t" << names[maxInd] << "\t" << grades[maxInd] << endl;
       out << "===================================================" << endl << endl;
       cout << "Can not open " << fileName << endl;

double getMean(double *grades, int size){
   double total = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i){
       total += grades[i];
   return total / size;

void printStudentsWithGradeLessThanMean(int *ids, string *names, double *grades, int size){
   double mean = getMean(grades, size);
   string fileName = "GradeSheet.dat";
   ofstream out;, ofstream::out | ofstream::app);
   if (out.is_open()){
       out << "Students with grades less than mean" << endl;
       out << "===================================================" << endl;
       for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i){
           if (grades[i] < mean)
               out << ids[i] << "\t" << names[i] << "\t" << grades[i] << endl;
       out << "===================================================" << endl << endl;
       cout << "Can not open " << fileName << endl;

void printDetailsIntoFile(int *ids, string *names, double *grades, string message, int size){
   string fileName = "GradeSheet.dat";
   ofstream out;, ofstream::out | ofstream::app);
   if (out.is_open()){
       out << message << endl;
       out << "===================================================" << endl;
       for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i){
           out << ids[i] << "\t" << names[i] << "\t" << grades[i] << endl;
       out << "===================================================" << endl << endl;
       cout << "Can not open " << fileName << endl;

int main(){
   ifstream in;
   string fileName = "Assignment4.dat";;
   int size = 0;
   string line;
   int *ids;
   string *names;
   double *grades;
   if (in.is_open()){
       while (getline(in, line)){
           if (line != "")
       size -= 2;
       ids = new int[size];
       names = new string[size];
       grades = new double[size];
       getline(in, line);
       getline(in, line);
       for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i){
           in >> ids[i];
           in >> names[i];
           in >> grades[i];
           //cout << ids[i] << "\t" << names[i] << "\t" << grades[i] << endl;
       sortByGrade(ids, names, grades, size);
       printDetailsIntoFile(ids, names, grades, "Sorted By Grade", size);
       sortByName(ids, names, grades, size);
       printDetailsIntoFile(ids, names, grades, "Sorted By Name", size);
       sortById(ids, names, grades, size);
       printDetailsIntoFile(ids, names, grades, "Sorted By Id", size);
       printLowestHighest(ids, names, grades, size);
       printStudentsWithGradeLessThanMean(ids, names, grades, size);

   return 0;


Assignment 4
5532 Mary 100
7856 Tom 99.56
3345 Cathy 33.78
1229 Jim 89.42
2785 David 67.52
9954 Rob 99.25
2388 Sue 87.29
6523 Michael 60.55
1287 Zach 76.12
2783 Amy 90.55


Sorted By Grade
3345   Cathy   33.78
6523   Michael   60.55
2785   David   67.52
1287   Zach   76.12
2388   Sue   87.29
1229   Jim   89.42
2783   Amy   90.55
9954   Rob   99.25
7856   Tom   99.56
5532   Mary   100

Sorted By Name
2783   Amy   90.55
3345   Cathy   33.78
2785   David   67.52
1229   Jim   89.42
5532   Mary   100
6523   Michael   60.55
9954   Rob   99.25
2388   Sue   87.29
7856   Tom   99.56
1287   Zach   76.12

Sorted By Id
1229   Jim   89.42
1287   Zach   76.12
2388   Sue   87.29
2783   Amy   90.55
2785   David   67.52
3345   Cathy   33.78
5532   Mary   100
6523   Michael   60.55
7856   Tom   99.56
9954   Rob   99.25

Student with minuimum grades
3345   Cathy   33.78

Student with maximum grades
5532   Mary   100

Students with grades less than mean
1287   Zach   76.12
2785   David   67.52
3345   Cathy   33.78
6523   Michael   60.55

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