In: Economics
Do you agree that the NHS should be at least partially dissolved and a market is driven healthcare system be introduced in the UK? Why or why not? Provide diagrams
From 1997 to 2007, productivity of NHS declined by 4.3 per cent.
Scholars have found that competition has a substantial impact on
enhancing autonomous levels of the quality of management in
hospices &, in turn, efficacy. Market set up & competition
can mirror & respond to many individual preferences in a manner
no other economic system can; &, via the probability of losing
on business & incentive to obtain more, healthcare providers
are driven to continuously give a better deal. Under central
planning, though, the lack of these incentives restricts innovation
to whatever the system can present ; employees tend to be
discouraged; & there is no satisfactory system thru which
requirements & preferences are revealed & fulfilled . But,
this isn’t a contention for a free market in healthcare sector; it
is a contention for market-driven system over central planning.
There are 2 crucial things a market cannot attain which the state
can- regulation & guaranteed universal coverage. The concern,
then, is whether the inventive & client- centric features of
markets can be coupled to progressive ends; whether they can
function effectually in frameworks committed to universal coverage
& upholding solidarity. European nations, like Netherlands,
with historically more commitment to parity than the United Kingdom
, have proved this is possible; &results are by & large
better for it. The same can occur in UK if competition operates
along apt lines.