Measures of size of farm have no exact guide in terms of
economics on the other hand it depends upon the various measures,
they are :
- measures of output desired
- sales or turnover expected from the farm
- stock and flow will relate, i.e. number of labours, value of
capital used,etc.
- requirement of land for the animals
- kind or type of crop of production
- various efficiency metre can be related to it like, physical
effeciency, value efficiency measuring the financial efficiency,
production efficiency
- locality of farm
- texture of soil available
apart from this, there can be done statistical calculations like
calculating the value which is close to the avearge of among the
uartiles with less standard deviation, which seems desirable to
calculate a measure of average size but that is totally insensitive
towards the concept of inclusion.
on the other hand given list below will give the amount of
average size or measures of size of farm but will not exactly tell
you the result with proper inclusion of each categorised result
which is required for the size of farm.
- Total or gross revenue : this is the output of the activity
done, this can be considered when we think it as the desired
revenue from the farm investment.
- Value of farm production :market value of all farm produces ,
crops and animals is point to be considered but not the point only
to be considered.
- Total farm assets :farm assets are the thing to be utilised
after the farm holding size, not the primary point to be
- Total acres farmed : this is the result of measures of size of
farm , not the one thing to be counted for measures of size of
- Livestock numbers : this is the point to be considered as more
livestock more of land is required in size.
- Total labor used : labour used will be wrong to say but the
availability of labour will be the actual concept to be
- Quantity of sales : desired sales are what to be considered out
of the total produce and thus total production to be considered and
the sixe required for it.