In: Economics
Oxfam is a organization that is dedicated toward human welfare. The organization responds to any emergency in the world. For an example this insures that people get pure water to drink and decent sanitation is provided. If there is lack of any need then Oxfam provides the same. It provides food and shelters to needy and help the community and society for their betterment.
The company works at grassroots level; they promote development and help people so that they can come out from poverty.
The examples are
Advancing women's rights
Building fair livelihoods
If I take an example then this organization helped a lot when there was Bangladesh Rohingya Crisis.
Thousands of Rohingyas entered into Bangladesh from Myanmar because of the Government role to crush the Rohingyas. Those people entered in to Bangladesh. There were livings at the border. They were living in very terrible condition. They did not have livelihood, money, shelter, water, sanitation, water etc. Oxfam provided them clean water and arranged clean sanitation.
Due to the open roof there is threat of diseases due to the monsoon rain. The organization further helped in resolving the issues. They have served 240,000 people and they are planning to reach 300,000 people.