The additional factors that may influence the capital budgeting
decision are :
- The level of investment that the project requires : Some
projects require more funds in comparison to the others. In case a
project required a high investment and the company may not have
sufficient funds , then the company may reject the project due to
lack of investment.
- The degree of risk and uncertainty of the project : The degree
of the risk and uncertainty affects the projects. If a project has
a high degree of risk and uncertainty , then the company might
reject the project. So, the degree of risk and uncertainty is
considered before making any capital budgeting decisions.
- The obsolescence : the risk of obsolescence and replacement of
fixed asset is an important factor to consider while making capital
budgeting decisions.
- The degree of competition : every company should keep a close
watch on the activity of the competitors. The company should take
decision on weather to implement a project based on the level of
their activity. If the competitors are going strong, then a company
can accept projects to beat the competition.
- The non monetary factors like goodwill, safety and welfare of
employees are also considers before accepting any project.