
In: Biology

Strepsirrhines are also known as Lemuriforms and include Lemurs, Lorises, and Galagos. Though these animals are...

Strepsirrhines are also known as Lemuriforms and include Lemurs, Lorises, and Galagos. Though these animals are remarkably diverse they all share similar adaptations related to their sense of smell and their grooming habits.

• Explain the strepsirrhine traits that are associated with olfaction.

• How do strepsirrhine grooming habits impact their social structure/behavior?


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Answer :


Strepsirrhinis are defined by their moist tip of snout, called rhinarium. They are furr less skin surrounding the external openings of the nostrils. This wet nose are advantageous in olfaction or smelling. Similar to the rhineria in cat and dogs. Strepsirrhinis have a smaller brain but comparatively larger olfactory lobes. The larger olfactory lobes indicate the specialized and highly sensitive olfaction in them. They have a vomeronasal organ or Jacobson's organ, in the soft tissue of nasal septum. They are paired. In the nasal cavity they are located just above the roof of mouth. They are auxiliary olfactory sense organ. They help to detect pheromones. Strepsirrhinis use scent markings for most of their communication.


They are characterized by tooth comb, specialized set of teeth in the front, lower part of the mouth. They are used for combing fur during grooming. They groom orally. Also possess a grooming claw on second toe of each foot for scratching in areas that are inaccessible to mouth and tongue. Tooth comb forms either 2 or 4 procumbent lower incisors and procumbent lower canine teeth followed by a canine shaped premolar. Shed hairs which accumulate between tooth comb are removed by sublingua or undertongue. Strepsirrhinis spent considerable amount of time grooming each other - allogrooming. They lick fur then comb. This is a social grooming behavior by which they clean or maintain one others body or appearance. Allogrooming is social grooming between members of same species. By this social activity of grooming in strepsirrhinis animals that live in close proximity bond and reinforce the social structures, family links and build companionship. Social grooming is also used as a means of conflict resolution, maternal behavior and reconciliation. Also there is mutual grooming. This means act of grooming between 2 individuals often as a part of social grooming, pair bonding or precoital activity.

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