
In: Computer Science

c++ code problems : A farmer buys 100 animals for$100.00.  The animals include at least one...

c++ code problems : A farmer buys 100 animals for $100.00.  The animals include at least one cow, one pig, and one chicken, but no other kind.

If a cow costs $10.00, a pig costs $3.00, and a chicken costs $0.50, how many of each did he buy?

please using a loop.


Expert Solution

C++ code with complete explanation in the comments:

using namespace std;
int main()
   int max_cow=100/10;//max number of cows that can be bought in 100 dollar
   int max_pig=100/3;//max number of pigs that can be bought in 100 dollar
   for(int i=1;i<=max_cow;i++)//to keep count of cows
       for(int j=1;j<=max_pig;j++)//to keep count ofpigs
           int cost=i*10+j*3;
           int remaining =100-i-j;//number of chickens
           if(remaining%2==0)//this is because if chickens are in odd number then their cost will become fraction
           {//and as it should be integer
               int costofchicken=remaining/2;
               cout<            }
   return 0;


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