
In: Statistics and Probability

The Quick Sell car dealership has been using 1-minute spot ads on a local TV station....

The Quick Sell car dealership has been using 1-minute spot ads on a local TV station. The ads always occur during the evening hours and advertise the different models and price ranges of cars on the lot for that week. During a 10-week period, a Quick Sell dealer kept a weekly record of the number x of TV ads versus the number y of cars sold. The results are given in the table.

Is there a significant correlation between the number of ads and the number of cars sold?


x (hrs.)



























a) Calculate r.

b) Find the line of prediction by calculating b and a.

c) Given the equation of the line of prediction, predict the number of cars sold if there are 12

ads in a given week.

d) If the hypotheses for this problem are Ho: ρ = 0 and H1: ρ >0 (more ads mean more cars

sold), Reject or Fail to Reject the Ho at the 0.05 level of significance.


Expert Solution

using excel>data>data analysis>Regression

we have

Regression Analysis
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.996145002
R Square 0.992304864
Adjusted R Square 0.991449849
Standard Error 5.385418577
Observations 11
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 33659.70267 33659.70267 1160.570019 7.98224E-11
Residual 9 261.0245993 29.00273325
Total 10 33920.72727
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%
Intercept 0.502108993 1.970702515 0.254786803 0.804614205 -3.955929818 4.960147803
x (hrs.) 1.443023452 0.042358221 34.06713987 7.98224E-11 1.347202498 1.538844406
x (hrs.) 6 20 0 14 25 16 28 18 10 8 145
y(gal.) 15 31 10 16 28 20 40 25 12 15 212
x2 36 400 0 196 625 256 784 324 100 64 21025
y2 225 961 100 256 784 400 1600 625 144 225 44944
xy 90 620 0 224 700 320 1120 450 120 120 30740

a) the value of the correlation coefficient is 0.9962

b) the line of prediction is

y = 0.5021+1.4430x

c) Given the equation of the line of prediction, the number of cars sold if there are 12

is 0.5021+1.4430*12 =17.8181 ads in a given week.

d) If the hypotheses for this problem are Ho: ρ = 0 and H1: ρ >0

t= = 34.31

p value is 0.000

Reject Ho at the 0.05 level of significance.

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