In: Nursing
What are the clinical indications for radiographic examination of the pediatric patient?
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) intends
these recommendations to help practitioners make clinical
decisions concerning appropriate selection of dental radiographs
as part of an oral evaluation of infants, children, adolescents,
and individuals with special health care needs. The recom-
mendations can be used to optimize patient care, minimize
radiation burden, and allocate health care resources responsibly.
In 1981, the Ad Hoc Committee on Pedodontic Radiology of
the American Academy of Pedodontics developed guidance
on radiographic examination of pediatric dental patients.1
years later, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
published recommendations2
developed by an expert dental
panel, which included a representative of the AAPD, convened
“to reach a consensus on standardizing dental radiographic
. In 2002, the American Dental Association
(ADA) initiated a review of that document. The AAPD, along
with other dental specialty organizations, participated in the
review and revision of these guidelines. The FDA accepted
the revision in November 2004,4
and the AAPD endorsed it
the following Spring. This review includes a new search of the
PubMed®/MEDLINE database using the terms: dental radiology,
dental radiographs, dental radiography, cone-beam computed
tomography AND guidelines, recommendations; fields: all;
limits: within the last 10 years, humans, and English. The
ADA Council on Scientific Affairs has published updates to
their recommendations for dental radiographs.5,6 The AAPD’s
Council of Clinical Affairs has developed these best practices
and continues to endorse the ADA/FDA’s recommendations.
Radiographs are valuable aids in the oral health care of infants,
children, adolescents, and individuals with special health care
needs. They are used to diagnose and monitor oral diseases,
evaluate dentoalveolar trauma, as well as monitor dentofacial
development and the progress of therapy. The recommenda-
tions in the ADA/FDA guidelines were developed to serve as
an adjunct to the dentist’s professional judgment. The timing
of the initial radiographic examination should not be based
upon the patient’s age, but upon each child’s individual
circumstances. Radiographic screening for the purpose of
detecting disease before clinical examination should not be
performed.6 Because each patient is unique, the need for dental
radiographs can be determined only after consideration of the
patient’s medical and dental histories, completion of a thorough
clinical examination, and assessment of the patient’s vulnera-
bility to environmental factors that affect oral health. AAPD’s
recommendations for assessing risk for caries development in
children ages 0-5 years and ≥6 years can be found in Caries-
risk Assessment and Management for Infants, Children, and
Review of prior radiographs, when available
from within the same practice or through record transfer, also
contributes to the decision of radiographic necessity.
Radiographs should be taken only when there is an ex-
pectation that the diagnostic yield will affect patient care. The
AAPD recognizes that there may be clinical circumstances
for which a radiograph is indicated, but a diagnostic image
cannot be obtained. For example, the patient may be unable to
cooperate or the dentist may have privileges in a health care
facility lacking intraoral radiographic capabilities. If radio-
graphs of diagnostic quality are unobtainable, the dentist
should confer with the parent to determine appropriate man-
agement techniques (e.g., preventive/restorative interventions,
advanced behavior guidance modalities, deferral, referral),
giving consideration to the relative risks and benefits of the
various treatment options for the patient.
Because the effects of radiation exposure accumulate over
time, every effort must be made to minimize the patient’s
exposure. Good radiological practices are important in mini-
mizing or eliminating unnecessary radiation in diagnostic
dental imaging. Examples of good radiologic practice include:
1) use of the fastest image receptor compatible with the
diagnostic task (F-speed film or digital), 2) collimation of the
beam to the size of the receptor whenever feasible, 3) proper
film exposure and processing techniques, 4) use of protectiveaprons and thyroid collars, when appropriate, and 5) limiting
the number of images to the minimum necessary to obtain
essential diagnostic information.6
The dentist must weigh the
benefits of obtaining radiographs against the patient’s risk of
radiation exposure.
New imaging technology [i.e., cone beam computed tom-
ography (CBCT)] has added three-dimensional capabilities
that have many applications in dentistry. The use of CBCT
has been valuable as an adjunct diagnostic tool in assessing
periapical pathosis in endodontics, oral pathology, anomalies
in the developing dentition (e.g., impacted, ectopic, or super
numerary teeth), oral maxillofacial surgery (e.g., cleft palate),
dental and facial trauma, and orthodontic and surgical pre-
paration for orthognathic surgery. The American Academy of
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (AAOMR) has published
position statements which summarize the potential benefits
and risks of maxillofacial CBCT use in orthodontic and
endodontic diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes and providesclinical guidance to dental practitioners.10,11 The AAOMR’s
position statements support and affirm the position of the
ADA Council on Scientific Affairs in that the selection of
CBCT imaging must be justified based on individual need.10-12
Because this technology has potential to produce vast amounts
of data and imaging information beyond initial intentions, it
is important to interpret all information obtained, including
that which may be beyond the immediate diagnostic needs
or abilities of the practitioner.