In: Biology
The ecosystems are consistently changing. This process is known as succession. There are two types of succession- primary and secondary.
If the succession continued,it will end in a climaxc which is stabilized, with a small community of prominent species. Introduction of a new species can cause distraction for this stabilization. This change in stabilization of ecosystem is called disturbance. The disturbance brings a positive effect on ecosystem making it more diverse. But the human activities have a negative effect on ecosystem. For example if human introduces an invasive species into the environment, they may hunt and prey the native species of that ecosystem.
Succession of the ecosystem occurs through different stages:
The pioneer stage is usually in primary succession. This is a starting of an ecosystem were the animals and plants of the native place start growing.
The establishing stage is when the animals and plants find things that sustain their lives and allows them to live in that particular area.
The sustaining stage is usually in the climax succession. It is when the area can sustain the lives and allows life to continue in that area.The animals do not have to leave that environment in search of food.
The final stage producing stage is in secondary succession.hear the population of animals increases and they might have to migrate to another ecosystem in search for food.
This type of succession, stages and disturbances causes the changes over the ecosystem through the years. An example for the change is given below: