
In: Economics

as part of your senior class grade, you are required to do 40 hours of community...

as part of your senior class grade, you are required to do 40 hours of community service at a homeless shelter, explain what you see in the shelter based on the issues of poverty in the united states?


Expert Solution

The following can be seen in a typical homeless shelter -

1. There are no individual rooms, there is one large dormitory with beds laid across, at least 50 of them, beside each other

2. Some of these can also be bunk beds to preserve space in the dorm room

3. People who are the most vulnerable are able to take shelter here, but it is still not a permanent solution for them

4. There are donations received, and volunteers come to help out with the daily chores

5. Meals are served to all, and most of this comes out of the donations of the people outside who are willing to spend their money for charitable causes

6. There are men, women and children who are taken care of here until they can find a way to earn enough for a decent living.

7. Standard of living is not that good, but it is still an effort worth appreciating as these people now have a place where they can take shelter without having to leave their life to fate

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