
In: Statistics and Probability

Use “PHXMayoData.xlsx” to answer the following questions: How about the optimized price when not considering the...

  1. Use “PHXMayoData.xlsx” to answer the following questions: How about the optimized price when not considering the substitution between BF and KR compared to the result including the substitution effects (you can find the optimal prices with substitution effects in the video)? Give an intuitive explanation (you can write the answer to it in the Excel file). Hint: following the same steps but using the following models:
    • Model1: Sales_BF = a + b1* Price_BF + Error
    • Model2: Sales_KR = a + b1* Price_KR + Error
Week Sales_BF Sales_KR Price_BF Price_KR
1 455 135 1.61 1.02
2 530 63 1.34 1.29
3 527 41 1.38 1.63
4 418 71 1.44 1.53
5 380 34 1.62 1.71
6 267 57 1.67 1.59
7 247 56 1.69 1.59
8 297 72 1.66 1.62
9 303 92 1.65 1.42
10 237 168 1.69 1.32
11 275 85 1.66 1.41
12 426 58 1.38 1.51
13 480 120 1.39 1.60
14 289 153 1.42 1.17
15 366 177 1.43 1.07
16 426 56 1.40 1.13
17 587 106 1.23 1.43
18 277 93 1.29 1.28
19 333 90 1.66 1.29
20 345 38 1.38 1.21
21 375 75 1.45 1.48
22 364 60 1.61 1.50
23 263 72 1.63 1.35
24 225 229 1.69 1.16
25 324 218 1.65 1.08
26 471 43 1.59 1.44
27 516 34 1.57 1.54
28 682 34 1.06 1.58
29 579 24 1.12 1.72
30 403 37 1.29 1.44
31 446 33 1.58 1.63
32 383 52 1.58 1.62
33 376 48 1.59 1.64
34 453 39 1.61 1.59
35 414 34 1.58 1.60
36 481 33 1.58 1.50
37 440 28 1.32 1.23
38 400 54 1.39 1.34
39 406 211 1.58 1.26
40 376 54 1.57 1.33
41 381 46 1.37 1.31
42 293 52 1.49 1.26
43 398 76 1.60 1.35
44 336 62 1.61 1.36
45 330 46 1.64 1.39
46 354 64 1.58 1.16
47 564 62 1.38 1.19
48 434 72 1.41 1.22
49 422 42 1.36 1.38
50 374 41 1.39 1.41
51 362 68 1.39 1.36
52 334 113 1.47 1.29
53 253 106 1.49 1.33
54 312 89 1.46 1.21
55 350 69 1.41 1.21
56 430 81 1.41 1.23
57 331 68 1.44 1.33
58 240 80 1.61 1.35
59 248 63 1.75 1.35
60 338 90 1.73 1.40
61 328 54 1.75 1.46
62 254 33 1.77 1.79
63 240 51 1.79 1.52
64 282 81 1.75 1.53
65 329 55 1.75 1.58
66 288 66 1.77 1.44
67 257 50 1.76 1.48
68 267 37 1.74 1.57
69 353 31 1.75 1.83
70 350 35 1.72 1.89
71 304 45 1.74 1.86
72 237 27 1.76 1.98
73 365 41 1.74 1.85
74 321 57 1.76 1.80
75 291 114 1.74 1.25
76 257 166 1.78 1.11
77 303 102 1.80 1.24
78 327 71 1.73 1.38
79 294 62 1.78 1.65
80 279 72 1.76 1.52
81 239 62 1.76 1.40
82 310 58 1.77 1.54
83 312 60 1.78 1.52
84 368 58 1.73 1.53
85 419 66 1.42 1.46
86 269 172 1.79 1.14
87 349 120 1.77 1.26
88 250 54 1.80 1.61
89 260 77 1.77 1.67
90 243 69 1.81 1.50
91 285 91 1.75 1.53
92 284 65 1.79 1.48
93 312 94 1.49 1.44
94 223 143 1.84 1.15
95 301 131 1.80 1.22
96 250 91 1.79 1.53
97 298 87 1.76 1.39
98 351 114 1.47 1.05
99 385 137 1.79 1.17
100 241 57 1.78 1.41
101 249 69 1.84 1.45
102 242 59 1.86 1.58
103 230 55 1.87 1.73
104 277 75 1.84 1.53
105 209 66 1.82 1.55
106 202 69 1.82 1.50
107 260 46 1.76 1.42
108 386 84 1.44 1.49
109 350 105 1.43 1.18
110 254 84 1.75 1.69
111 277 67 1.74 1.74
112 240 151 1.78 1.27
113 251 128 1.74 1.37
114 273 91 1.77 1.71
115 264 59 1.77 1.74
116 228 43 1.77 1.76
117 291 36 1.76 1.82
118 301 41 1.76 1.85
119 246 82 1.77 1.39
120 267 39 1.73 1.36
121 306 44 1.75 1.74
122 310 54 1.72 1.80
123 250 55 1.74 1.74
124 326 53 1.67 1.44
125 286 65 1.74 1.44
126 350 34 1.71 1.88
127 338 72 1.70 1.68
128 290 150 1.76 1.11
129 381 114 1.70 1.04
130 530 28 1.38 1.99
131 369 65 1.67 1.71
132 256 87 1.74 1.39
133 228 85 1.77 1.32
134 330 47 1.69 1.78
135 319 87 1.72 1.71
136 358 133 1.67 1.09
137 467 97 1.39 1.10
138 354 53 1.71 1.76
139 482 65 1.68 1.75
140 370 52 1.68 1.69
141 356 50 1.69 1.72
142 369 31 1.67 1.72
143 441 39 1.70 1.74
144 527 44 1.34 1.70
145 421 73 1.38 1.65
146 313 115 1.72 1.06
147 326 88 1.71 1.12
148 332 34 1.72 1.74
149 269 79 1.74 1.69
150 416 99 1.66 1.09
151 516 84 1.40 1.16
152 451 56 1.57 1.71
153 415 51 1.69 1.74
154 349 35 1.71 1.84
155 396 52 1.70 1.72
156 373 43 1.73 1.76
157 324 58 1.43 1.53
158 647 91 1.66 1.36
159 505 69 1.71 1.37
160 363 49 1.67 1.72
161 370 31 1.69 1.71
162 569 49 1.39 1.75
163 523 37 1.36 1.73
164 489 48 1.67 1.44
165 370 95 1.70 1.35
166 395 162 1.70 1.28
167 387 141 1.71 1.33
168 349 82 1.73 1.40
169 330 33 1.69 1.74
170 361 44 1.71 1.69
171 425 49 1.72 1.89
172 364 46 1.69 1.37
173 509 80 1.68 1.35


Expert Solution

for model 1

using excel>data>data analysis >regression

we have

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.65923
R Square 0.434584
Adjusted R Square 0.431277
Standard Error 69.24122
Observations 173
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 630130.6 630130.6 131.432 6.17E-23
Residual 171 819833.3 4794.347
Total 172 1449964
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%
Intercept 963.778 53.79702 17.91508 4.35E-41 857.5862 1069.97
Price_BF -375.918 32.7901 -11.4644 6.17E-23 -440.644 -311.193

Model1: Sales_BF = 963.778 -375.918* Price_BF + Error

for every one unit increase in the Price_BF there is corresponding increase in the sales_BF .

For model 2

using excel>data>data analysis >regression

we have

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.644487
R Square 0.415364
Adjusted R Square 0.411945
Standard Error 29.36262
Observations 173
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 104743.8 104743.8 121.4895 1.1E-21
Residual 171 147429.9 862.1632
Total 172 252173.7
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%
Intercept 233.8303 14.75087 15.85197 2.13E-35 204.7131 262.9475
Price_KR -108.553 9.84854 -11.0222 1.1E-21 -127.993 -89.1125

Model1: Sales_KR= 233.8303 -108.553* Price_KR + Error

for every one-unit increase in the Price_KR, there is a corresponding increase in the sales_KR.

both model shows that if price will increase tha there is corresponding decrease in sales

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