
In: Computer Science

Hello sir below is my code can you plz explain it line by line in details...

Hello sir below is my code can you plz explain it line by line in details






struct patient {

int id;

int age;

bool annualClaim;

int plan;

char name[30];

char contactNum[15];

char address[50];


#define MAX_LENGTH 500

struct patient patients[100];

int patientCount = 0;

struct claim {

int id;

int claimedYear;

int amountClaimed;

int remaininigAmount;


struct claim claims[100];

void subscribe()



patients[patientCount].id = patientCount + 1;

printf("Enter age: ");

scanf("%d", & patients[patientCount].age);

printf("\n\n%-25sHealth Insurence Plan\n\n", " ");


printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", " ", "Plan 120(RM)", "Plan 150(RM)", "Plan 200(RM)");


printf("|%-30s|%-20d|%-20d|%-20d|\n", "Monthly Premium", 120, 150, 200);


printf("|%-30s|%-20d|%-20d|%-20d|\n", "Annual Claim Limit", 120000, 150000, 200000);


printf("|%-30s|%-20d|%-20d|%-20d|\n", "Lifetime Claim Limit", 600000, 750000, 1000000);


printf("\n\n%-25sAge Group and Health Insurence Plan\n\n", " ");


printf("|%-30s|%-25s%-30s\n", "Types of Claim", " ", "Eligibility Amount");


printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", " ", "Plan 120(RM)", "Plan 150(RM)", "Plan 200(RM)");


printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", "Room Charges", "120/day", "150/day", "200/day");


printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", "Intensive Care Unit", "250/day", "400/day", "700/day");


printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", "Hospital Supplies and Services", " ", " ", " ");


printf("|%-30s|%-60s|\n", "Surgical Fees", "As charged Sbject to approval by ZeeMediLife");


printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", "Other Fees", " ", " ", " ");


int ch;

do {

printf("Select a Claim Limit Type\n1-Annual Claim Limit 2-Lifetime Claim Limit: ");

scanf("%d", & ch);

} while (ch < 1 || ch > 2);

if (ch == 1)

patients[patientCount].annualClaim = true;


patients[patientCount].annualClaim = false;

do {

printf("Select a plan\n1-Plan120 2-Plan150 3-Plan200: ");

scanf("%d", & ch);

} while (ch < 1 || ch > 3);

patients[patientCount].plan = ch;

printf("Enter Name: ");

scanf("%s", & patients[patientCount].name);

printf("Contact Number: ");

scanf("%s", & patients[patientCount].contactNum);

printf("Enter Address: ");

scanf("%s", & patients[patientCount].address);

FILE * fp;

fp = fopen("patients.txt", "a");

fprintf(fp, "%d,%s,%d,%d,%d,%s,%s\n", patients[patientCount].id, patients[patientCount].name, patients[patientCount].age, patients[patientCount].annualClaim, patients[patientCount].plan, patients[patientCount].contactNum, patients[patientCount].address);


time_t s;

struct tm * currentTime;

s = time(NULL);

currentTime = localtime( & s);

claims[patientCount].id = patients[patientCount].id;

claims[patientCount].amountClaimed = 0;

claims[patientCount].claimedYear = currentTime -> tm_hour + 1900;

if (patients[patientCount].annualClaim == true)


if (patients[patientCount].plan == 1)

claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount = 120000;

else if (patients[patientCount].plan == 2)

claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount = 150000;


claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount = 200000;

} else


if (patients[patientCount].plan == 1)

claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount = 600000;

else if (patients[patientCount].plan == 2)

claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount = 750000;


claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount = 1000000;



fp = fopen("claims.txt", "a");

if (fp == NULL)

printf("File Dont exist");

fprintf(fp, "%d,%d,%d,%d\n", claims[patientCount].id, claims[patientCount].claimedYear, claims[patientCount].amountClaimed, claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount);





Expert Solution


#include<stdio.h>// including stabdard input output

#include<stdlib.h> // including standard library




struct patient { //defining a structure patient with following fields

int id; // an id of integer type

int age; // age of integertpye

bool annualClaim; //annualvlaim of boolean type

int plan; // plan of integer type

char name[30]; //an name array of char type with size =30

char contactNum[15]; //a contactnum array of char type with size =15

char address[50]; //an address array of char type with size =50


#define MAX_LENGTH 500 // defining max_lenght tp 500 global

struct patient patients[100]; // defining a object of structure patient type with name patients and size =100

int patientCount = 0; //intialising patient count to 0

struct claim { //defining a structure claim with following fields

int id; // an id of integer type

int claimedYear; // a claimedyear of integer type

int amountClaimed; // aa amountclaimed of integer type

int remaininigAmount; // a remainingAmount of integer type


struct claim claims[100]; // defining a object of structure claim type with name claims and size =100

void subscribe() // defining a function of subscribe name


system("cls"); // clearing tha system

patients[patientCount].id = patientCount + 1; // entering the value to id of structure patient's patients object

printf("Enter age: "); //taking input for age from user/keyboard

scanf("%d", & patients[patientCount].age); // entering the value to age of structure patient's patients object

printf("\n\n%-25sHealth Insurence Plan\n\n", " "); // dislaying message to screen Health Insurence Plan


printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", " ", "Plan 120(RM)", "Plan 150(RM)", "Plan 200(RM)"); //dislaying message to screen |Plan 120(RM) |Plan 150(RM) |Plan 200(RM) |

printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");// these all printf statements are used to display a table like structure as i have shown it below these are just a printf statements

printf("|%-30s|%-20d|%-20d|%-20d|\n", "Monthly Premium", 120, 150, 200);


printf("|%-30s|%-20d|%-20d|%-20d|\n", "Annual Claim Limit", 120000, 150000, 200000);


printf("|%-30s|%-20d|%-20d|%-20d|\n", "Lifetime Claim Limit", 600000, 750000, 1000000);


printf("\n\n%-25sAge Group and Health Insurence Plan\n\n", " ");


printf("|%-30s|%-25s%-30s\n", "Types of Claim", " ", "Eligibility Amount");


printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", " ", "Plan 120(RM)", "Plan 150(RM)", "Plan 200(RM)");


printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", "Room Charges", "120/day", "150/day", "200/day");


printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", "Intensive Care Unit", "250/day", "400/day", "700/day");


printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", "Hospital Supplies and Services", " ", " ", " ");


printf("|%-30s|%-60s|\n", "Surgical Fees", "As charged Sbject to approval by ZeeMediLife");


printf("|%-30s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|\n", "Other Fees", " ", " ", " ");

| |Plan 120(RM) |Plan 150(RM) |Plan 200(RM) |
|Monthly Premium |120 |150 |200 |
|Annual Claim Limit |120000 |150000 |200000 |
|Lifetime Claim Limit |600000 |750000 |1000000 |

Age Group and Health Insurence Plan

|Types of Claim | Eligibility Amount
| |Plan 120(RM) |Plan 150(RM) |Plan 200(RM) |
|Room Charges |120/day |150/day |200/day |
|Intensive Care Unit |250/day |400/day |700/day |
|Hospital Supplies and Services| | | |
|Surgical Fees |As charged Sbject to approval by ZeeMediLife |
|Other Fees | | | |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

int ch; // defining a ch variable of integer type

do { // startin do loop

printf("Select a Claim Limit Type\n1-Annual Claim Limit 2-Lifetime Claim Limit: ");
/* display this message
Select a Claim Limit Type
1-Annual Claim Limit 2-Lifetime Claim Limit:

scanf("%d", & ch); // storing to ch variable

} while (ch < 1 || ch > 2); // while conditioning statement checking only for 1 and 2 if user enter any value other than 1 and 2 loop will terminate

if (ch == 1) // if condition checking if value entered by user is 1 then annualclaims become true

patients[patientCount].annualClaim = true;


patients[patientCount].annualClaim = false; // otherwise annualcaims become false

do { // starting do loop

printf("Select a plan\n1-Plan120 2-Plan150 3-Plan200: "); //dipaying this message 1-Plan120 2-Plan150 3-Plan200:

scanf("%d", & ch); ///storing user input value to ch variable

} while (ch < 1 || ch > 3); // while conditioning statement checking only for 1 and 2 if user enter any value other less than 1 or greater than 3, loop will terminate

patients[patientCount].plan = ch; // assigneing ch value to plan field of patient structure

printf("Enter Name: "); // to enter name

scanf("%s", & patients[patientCount].name); // stores the entered name on name field of structure patient's patients object

printf("Contact Number: ");// to enter contact number

scanf("%s", & patients[patientCount].contactNum); //stores the entered contact number on contactnum field of structure patient's patients object

printf("Enter Address: "); // to enter address

scanf("%s", & patients[patientCount].address); //stores the entered address on address field of structure patient's patients object

FILE * fp; // declare a pointer of type file

fp = fopen("patients.txt", "a"); // opening a file in append mode i.e Data is added to the end of the file.If the file does not exist, it will be created.

fprintf(fp, "%d,%s,%d,%d,%d,%s,%s\n", patients[patientCount].id, patients[patientCount].name, patients[patientCount].age, patients[patientCount].annualClaim, patients[patientCount].plan, patients[patientCount].contactNum, patients[patientCount].address);
// data is getting append on file
fclose(fp); // closing the file

time_t s; // declaration of time object

struct tm * currentTime;

s = time(NULL); // Get the system time

currentTime = localtime( & s); // set the local time to current time

claims[patientCount].id = patients[patientCount].id; // assigning structure patient's id to structure claims's id

claims[patientCount].amountClaimed = 0; // initialising amountclaimed to 0

claims[patientCount].claimedYear = currentTime -> tm_hour + 1900; // assigning current time + 1900 hours to claimedyear

if (patients[patientCount].annualClaim == true) // ckecking condition foor annualclaim which we have already defined on line no 156 in if statement


if (patients[patientCount].plan == 1) // nested if i.e if annualclaim == true then this will execute and structure patients plan value == 1 then

claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount = 120000; //assigning 120000 to reamining amount

else if (patients[patientCount].plan == 2) // else contition i.e structure patients plan value == 2 then

claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount = 150000; //assigning 150000 to reamining amount


claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount = 200000; //assigning 200000 to reamining amount


else // outer else
// this will execute when annualclaim == false


if (patients[patientCount].plan == 1) // when structure patients plan value == 1 then

claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount = 600000; //assigning 600000 to reamining amount

else if (patients[patientCount].plan == 2) //else contition i.e structure patients plan value == 2 then

claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount = 750000; //assigning 750000 to reamining amount


claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount = 1000000; ////assigning 1000000 to reamining amount


patientCount++; // post increment in patientcount

fp = fopen("claims.txt", "a"); // opening a file in append mode i.e Data is added to the end of the file.

if (fp == NULL) //If the file does not exist

printf("File Dont exist");// file does not exist

fprintf(fp, "%d,%d,%d,%d\n", claims[patientCount].id, claims[patientCount].claimedYear, claims[patientCount].amountClaimed, claims[patientCount].remaininigAmount);
// data is getting append on file
fclose(fp); // closing the file

system("pause");//This is a Windows-specific command, which tells the OS to run the pause program.
//This program waits to be terminated, and halts the exceution of the parent C program.

//Only after the pause program is terminated, will the original program continue.


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