In: Psychology
5. What are some street names of GHB and rohypnol? How can GHB and rohypnol be used as date rape drugs?
GHB or Gamma Hydroxybutyrate, is a psychoactive drug and a central nervous system depressant.It is commonly known as the “date rape drug” or “club drug”. In modern times, this drug has gained an abominable reputation, as it is abused excessively for all the wrong reasons amongst youngsters.This drug, when consumed in an excessive amount, may cause extreme memory loss, seizures, high blood pressure, etc, amongst a plethora of other serious side effects.However, when consumed in a limited quantity, GHB has been proven to successfully supress withdrawal symptoms of opium,alcohol,heroin and other hard drugs,
Another deadly psychoactive drug is rohypnol or Flunitrazepam. “Date rape drug”, “Forget me pill”, “Lunch Money drug”, “Row-shay”, “Ruffies” are a few examples of the various street names given to this drug.This drug is typically used as a sedative and an anesthesia inducive in the medical field.
As both these drugs have a common symptom of causing memory loss or amnesia, youngsters have been using these drugs to practise all kinds of non consensual sexual activities at public events, parties,etc.As these drugs are unfortunately easily available and are tastless,colurless and odourless in nature when diluted, it is quite easy to sedate the unsuspecting victim without their knowledge.This is usually done by spiking the victim’s drink with the sedative, i.e, the drug.On consumption of the same, the victim’s memory is wiped out, making them unconscious and thus, increasing their vulnerability to non consensual sexual activities.