In: Computer Science
Cafeteria Selections Program. This program permits students to choose their lunch purchases from a menu in the cafeteria. It calculates the tax on taxable items (candy, pop) and presents the user with a total. The program accepts a tendered amount and computes and outputs change down to the actual coins and bills involved. An added inventory component could keep a running total of individual items purchased. No graphics needed here.
Mars Bar $1.25
Kit Kat $1.25
Soda Pop $1.50
Water $1.00
Muffins $2,00
Coffee / Tea $1.75
Expresso / Specialty Teas $2.50
Cold Sandwiches $5.00
Pasta $7.50
Gum $.140
# viewMenu() prints all the items
def viewMenu(itemPrice):
for key, value in itemPrice.items():
print(key + ": $" + str(value));
# addItemsToCart() checks if its a valid item and calculates tax
# creates a dictionary which has the items and total value (value * quantity)
def addItemToCart(itemPrice, itemCart):
cont = "Y";
while(cont == "Y"):
# Gets user input for which item to add to the cart
item = input("Enter the item to add: ");
#checks if its a valid entry(if the item is present in the itemPrice dictionary)
itemValue = itemPrice[item];
# If valid, next line will be executed.
if(item == "Mars Bar" or item == "Kit Kat" or item == "Soda Pop"):
tax = 0.13 * itemValue; # calculates tax for Mars Bar, Kit Kat and Soda Pop
itemValue = itemValue + tax; # calculates itemValue with tax
# Gets user input for the quantity
quantity = int(input("Enter the quantity to add: "));
# If the item is already present in the cart, value will be added to
# the exisiting amount
if(itemCart[item] > 0):
itemCart[item] += itemValue * quantity;
except KeyError:
itemCart[item] = itemValue * quantity;
# Asks user if they would like to add more items
cont = input("Do you want to continue? (y or n)").upper();
# if the item is not present in the itemPrice dictionary, this will be executed
except KeyError:
print("Invalid item");
cont == "Y";
return itemCart;
# viewItemsInCart() prints all the items in the cart
def viewItemsInCart(itemCart):
total = 0;
# If no item is present
if(not bool(itemCart)):
print("Cart is empty");
# If the cart is not empty, it prints the values in the cart
print("Items in the cart");
for key, value in itemCart.items():
print(key + ": $" + str(value));
total += value;
return total;
# payBill() displays the total amount and returns the extra amount
def payBill(itemCart):
totalAmount = viewItemsInCart(itemCart);
print("Total amount: " + str(totalAmount));
tenderedAmount = int(input("Pay the amount here: "));
# Checks if the amount paid by the user is lesser than the amount to be paid
if(tenderedAmount < totalAmount):
print("Invalid value");
# Calculates the amount to be returned
cashback = tenderedAmount - totalAmount;
print("Amount Paid: $" + str(tenderedAmount));
print("Change Back Amount: $" + str(cashback));
# Dictionary with items and values
itemPrice = {"Mars Bar": 1.25, "Kit Kat": 1.25, "Soda Pop": 1.50, "Water": 1.00,
"Muffins": 2.00, "Coffee/Tea": 1.75, "Expresso/Speciality Teas": 2.50,
"Cold Sandwiches": 5.00, "Pasta": 7.50, "Gum": 0.140};
itemCart = {};
mainMenuInput = "1";
while(mainMenuInput != "4"):
# Displays Menu where user can select what they would like to do
print("Welcome to the Cafeteria");
print("Please select any of the following options");
print("1. View the menu");
print("2. Add items to the cart");
print("3. View items in the cart");
print("4. Pay the bill and buy");
print("Enter any other value to quit the program");
mainMenuInput = input();
if(mainMenuInput == "1"):
elif (mainMenuInput == "2"):
itemCart = addItemToCart(itemPrice, itemCart);
elif (mainMenuInput == "3"):
elif (mainMenuInput == "4"):