1. One-to-one interview
The most trusted means of interview by far is one-to-one
interview. It allows the interviewer to get to know in depth about
the candidate.
- One on one conversation can be easily built.
- Assessment of the candidate can be thoroughly done.
- Candidate skill set and knowledge can be tested.
- Body language and behaviour of the candidate can be
- Seriousness of the candidate towards the job can be
- Can verify candidate’s credentials.
- It is a costly affair, conducting an interview for group of
people not only consumes lot of time but cost too.
- Interviewer should be highly skilled to take the
- There may be inconsistency in interview methods.
- Patience is a virtue. Interviewer and candidates can feel
2. Sequential interview
Sequential interview is a series of interviews conducted one
after the other. This is basically a one-to-one interview but with
several people of the company conducted one after the other. A
typical company will have 2-5 interviewers and each interview level
focuses on the specified area of interest.
- Advantages are similar to that of one-to-one interview.
- Any number of questions can be asked to get the insight of the
- Can check whether the candidate is consistent throughout the
- At the end of the day better candidate can be selected.
- This process of interview is time consuming and cost
- Sequential interviews takes place over a longer period of
- Unsure whether the interview takes place in one day or several
- At times, candidates may feel fatigue and may not be consistent
in answering the questions.
3. Panel interview
This type of interview is similar to that of one-to-one
interview but here two or more interviewers will conduct an
interview in the same room at the same time.
- Relevant questions can be asked to the candidate.
- These interviews are quick.
- Different opinions can be compared to select a better
- No personal biases.
- Assessment of the candidate can be thoroughly done.
- Satisfaction of some interviewers can be wavy.
- This type of interview can scare candidates and they can be
- Disagreement over a candidate or on a selection is highly
- Some interviewers can cut in in-between the interview.
4. Mass interview
This type of interview is usually conducted when there is a
large number of candidates waiting for the interview. Here
interviewer asks questions openly to a group of people in one go
and candidates answer's it one by one.
- Interview can be very quick.
- Candidate’s communications and skills can be assessed.
- Interview all the candidates in one go.
- Candidates may not feel pressurized.
- Can expect some genuine answers.
- Competitive candidates can be dominant to others.
- One on one rapport cannot be built.
- Better skilled candidates may be missed out due to their
introvert characteristics.
- Some candidates may feel pressure and may not perform well in
the interview.
5. Telephone interview
As the name suggests, telephonic interviews are conducted over a
telephone or mobile phone. This type of interview can speed up the
process and can have quick chat to understand candidate’s
- Very quick, quicker than any other type of interview.
- Very economical than one-to-one interview.
- Candidate’s telephonic manners can be measured.
- Can omit weak candidates.
- Can reach out outside local area candidates.
- In contrast to one-to-one interview, here interviewer cannot
read candidate’s body language.
- Very difficult to build a good rapport with the candidate.
- Calls can be unprecedented at times.
6. Computer-based interview
This type of interview is similar to telephonic interview but
here candidate uses a computer device to answer the interviewer
- Candidate’s computer skills can be measured.
- Series of questionnaire can help interviewer understand
candidate’s behaviour and skill-set.
- Candidate’s issue resolving approach can be assessed.
- Body language of a candidate cannot be assessed.
- Very time consuming to gather data.
- Quality control is missed out.
- Can arise computer problems at any given point.
7. Online video interview
This type of interview is also similar to telephonic interview
but here interviewer uses video calling as a platform for an
interview. This alternative interview fulfils the process of
one-to-one interview, but here interviewer can see the candidate
throughout the interview via a webcam.
- Quicker than one-to-one interview.
- Very cost effective.
- Can reach out outside local area candidates.
- Candidate skill set and knowledge can be tested.
- Body language and behaviour of the candidate can be
- Seriousness of the candidate towards the job can be
- Quality control is missed out.
- Can arise computer hardware or internet problems at any given
point of time.
- There may be inconsistency in interview methods.
- Very difficult to build a good rapport with the candidate.