
In: Nursing

David is a 16-year-old African-American who lives in the inner area of Boston. He presents to...

David is a 16-year-old African-American who lives in the inner area of Boston. He presents to the family nurse practice clinic that is located in Boston with symptoms of asthma. When he presents, he has difficulty breathing, slightly, and seems quiet and withdrawn. His mother does attend the visit with him. So it is revealed to you that David has been doing poorly in school. In fact, the mother states, "You might have to repeat ninth grade this year. And you'd better get better, because you're going to have to be out of my house." David merely shrugs when you ask him about this. David does share that he plans to spend the summer with his father in North Carolina. And he does imply that he has a relationship with his grandmother who lives in North Carolina. Unfortunately, David's father has a history of alcoholism and depression.

please answer questions

There are many factors within that family that are stressors. So my question to you, online student, is, what aspects, what factors culturally would you want to explore with David about David's family? Furthermore, what strategies would you implement to facilitate David's normal development, given the many challenges that he has?


Expert Solution

Cultural factors i would like to explore about david's family:

Individual level- ethnic identity, IQ of patient, psycho-social competence, positive attitude, how the family view the illness etc

Family and cultural level- family beliefs, behaviours, charactreistics, health risk behaviours, family context of illness etc

Illness specific level- adherence to treatment, self efficacy, exacerbations etc

Environmental level- Pets, exposure to tobacco, smoke, air pollutants, attending day care etc

Early life respiratory infections- RSV,HRV, maternal nutrition during pregnancy etc

strategies to develop normal development in asthma :

Help them to identify the manifestations of asthma

Educate them how to handle the situation in case of an attack and how to manage or when to seek medical aid

Educate them regarding triggers for asthma attack and how to prevent them

Making them physically active inspite of physical restrictions

Self management programs for asthma children

Exercise management activities

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