
In: Nursing

Write a paper on Diabetes Support group in APA format. Answer the following questions in your...

Write a paper on Diabetes Support group in APA format. Answer the following questions in your paper:

1. Discuss 2 ways a diabetes support group program could increase a person's self esteem and promote wellness.

2. Discuss 2 ways that the support program could increase a person's independence and assist with problem solving.

3. Make observations of ways the group supports or hinders recovery.

4. Include your observations from several of the following questions: .

* How was the leader of the group chosen?

* What did the leader do to facilitate group involvement?

* Did one person "use" the group time or did everyone have an opportunity to "share and tell their story"? *

Where the group members engaged? How was the decision made for topic discussions? *

What literature did the group use during the meeting?

Describe the process of the meeting.


Expert Solution

1. Two Ways to increase a person's self esteem and promoting wellness

Emphasis on whole person

It assumes patient's values, beliefs, opinions are to be respected and considered. In additon to providing information, the major contribution of educators is to bulit a trusting relationship with patient

Emphasis on patient's strengths , rather than deficits

Each person has useful knowledge and there is value in each person's culture and ethnic tradition

Peer coaches : they meet one-on-one with other patients to listen, discuss concerns and provide support. A more informal flexible means of providing peer support for patients with diabetes and other chronic conditions comes form volunteer-peer coaches or mentors

Community health workers

Helps to identify resource, managing cases, reaching out to patients by telephone and providing patients with disease specific information

Educating persons about self-care and self-care management skills

Supporting the care and education provided by the health care organisations

Co-ordinating care and act as a laison between health care organisation

Providing social support by active listening patient problems and helping them to solve problems

2.Two ways to increase person's independence and problem solving skills

Patient empowerment movement

The goal of this movement is to bulid up the capacity of patients to help them to become active partners in their own care, to enable them to share clinical decision making and contribute through wider perspective in health care system. Empowerment skills include solving problems, boosting self-confidence and creating strategies to create mutual trust.

Ways to promote empowerment among diabetic patients include the following

1.Self generation and exploration of problems

Help patients to explore their problems , express feelings , develop alternative options , consider the consequence of various options and come to appropriate decision

2.Transference of leadership and decision making

Diabetic management requires multiple daily decisions , persons with diabetes must assume responsibility in acheiving goals of the treatment such as attaining control over blood glucose and weight or other goals

3. Main hinderences/ challanges faced

Emotional content of diabetes management

Adults seldom make and sustain significant changes in their lives unless, they feel a srong need to change. If the patient does not experience storng feelings about the current situation, the likelihood of sustained behavioural change is small

Inadequate problem solving methods

The second major challenge is to solve problems for the patients rather than with them. Most of the patients have psychological problems than physiological. Many aptients are blamed / criticized for their efforts for self-care

4. How is the leader of the group choosen

Individulas who are successfully coped with the same disease condition and receive a training for 8-32 hrs. Training should focus on emphatetic listening, how to help participants identify and clarify their goals, problem solving and assertiveness. Teaching the skills necessary to support the patient is emphazised , rather than mentor assuming the role of health care provider

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