In: Computer Science
need a visual studio solution for the following: 1. Radio buttons that limit the us er to only one choice (nested selection structure) 2. A group box for your radio buttons 3. Controls to prevent unwanted characters in text boxes 4. At least one message box 5. At least one select case statement
[1] . Use statement visual. Representations a check box should be a small square that has a check mark or an x when selected a radio buttons should be a small circle inside it when selected.
Use sub heads to break up a long list of check boxes in to logical groups. This makes the choice faster to scan and easier to understand.
Lay out your lists vertically, with one choice per line if you must use a horizontal layout with multiple operation per line.
Use positive and active wording for check box lables, so that it's clear what will happen if the user turns on the check box.
[2]. Have a look at these article on how radio buttons are grouped
There are more than enough to understand the logic which can be used for coding your scenario
Ok fine, try this: (it's in C# that iam writing);
// Do this for getting checked status of all radio buttons
// similar approch can be done to RESET an uncheck them all
For ( int
i=0: i< my group box . Controls. Count ;i++)
Radio button rb =
(Radio Button) my Group Box. Controls[¡];
If crb .checked== true)
// do whatever
// use break ; if needed
// increase a counter if you want number
[3]. I dont understand your problem with c#. For any character yoy can easily check if it is an element of some set of " bad" character or it can be found in a set of the " good characters:
If ( system char. Isletter(ch)//
System. Char.ISDigit(ch)) //...good one
[4].. if all are unchecked ( )= true then
Display message Box " at least o ne category must be checked !"
Exit sub
En if
[5]. 1: if tapcontrol selectedTab is Tab lage 1 then
2: 'Do sumthing
3: end if