In: Operations Management
Answer 1
Low context culture of those which communicate information in a
direct and precise ways. The communication here relies mostly on
words and not on the tone of voice and body language of the speaker
Example of low context culture is USA. The characteristics of this
culture affect the people living there for example in USA family
gatherings are uncommon
High context culture is just the opposite of local context culture
they are implicit and they rely on non verbal language. They rely
on implicit messages and contextual situation and the speakers tone
of voice to relay the information which is being communicated.
Example of high context culture is Arabs. The preferred way of
learning student in groups. The characteristic of of the members is
the in size mole on the interpersonal relationship. Trust must be
developed before business transaction can begin.
Answer 2
Instant messaging and text messaging always to communicate with
colleagues and friend. However in professional communication the
use of slangs are avoided benefits of instant messaging a there are
free to use as much as a person wants the only requirements to have
a proper internet connection. The risk of using these platforms are
many a times the message can be hacked and can be used by other
people. Although the risk is very low because the message are
encrypted in a very strong way but still they exist.
Answer 3.
Steps for writing a direct claim are-
1. The first step is to identify yourself. In this step give
details about who you are and then proceed with the next
2. Explain the situation in detail .Provide the exact numbers names
and other details
3. Give the details of your rights such as the reference policies,
contracts or any other law which is necessary
4. Make the demand of claim for which you have written the
5. Give a deadline if it is necessary.
6. The action for feedback is requested at last.
Answer 4
There four steps in an indirect method-
1. Buffer- the first step is to put any good news for the best
possible right up. Also consider giving compliments, showing
appreciation, writing statements which both agree upon, providing
facts and understanding.
2. Apologize if necessary- if a serious error has occurred
apologize as early as possible apologies can significantly help
repair a relationship.
3. Give reasons- people want to know the reason for bad news. When
they are product recalls, overtime schedule etc . When giving
reason for this always use positive words and be sure to all the
4. Close pleasantly- Be polite and wish people good provide
positive Outlook and incentives wherever possible avoid leaving a
bad message.
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