
In: Computer Science

Can following BNF convert to CFG (Context Free Grammar) <Boolean_expr> → <Boolean_expr>||<Boolean_term>|<Boolean_term> <Boolean _term> → <Boolean...

Can following BNF convert to CFG (Context Free Grammar)

<Boolean_expr> → <Boolean_expr>||<Boolean_term>|<Boolean_term>
<Boolean _term> → <Boolean _term> && <Boolean _factor>| <Boolean _factor>
<Boolean _factor> →ID | !<Boolean _factor>| (<Boolean _factor>) |<relation_expr>
<relation_expr> → ID==ID | ID !=ID | ID < ID | ID≤ID | ID>ID | ID>=ID

The above BNF is for Boolean Expression and Relational Expression.


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Step 1 what is CFG

Step 2

Given BNF grammar is

<Boolean_expr> → <Boolean_expr>||<Boolean_term>|<Boolean_term>
<Boolean _term> → <Boolean _term> && <Boolean _factor>| <Boolean _factor>
<Boolean _factor> →ID | !<Boolean _factor>| (<Boolean _factor>) |<relation_expr>
<relation_expr> → ID==ID | ID !=ID | ID < ID | ID≤ID | ID>ID | ID>=ID

The above BNF is for Boolean Expression and Relational Expression.

Step 3

Now convert this BNF into CNF form

This grammar is for both boolean expression and relational expression

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