
In: Accounting

COMPREHENSIVE PROBLEM OJB Company began business in January, 2016. The following transactions occurred in February, 2016:...


OJB Company began business in January, 2016. The following transactions occurred in February, 2016:

Feb 1      Purchased supplies on account, $ 400.

         2      Received cash from customers on account, $ 1,750.

3      Paid $ 400 on account.

5      Paid technician $ 750 in salary, including the amount owed at the end of January.

8      Billed customers for services provided on account, $ 3,200.

11     Paid cash for advertising on a local website, $ 300.

12     Received $ 3,875 cash for fees earned for jobs completed.

16     Paid electricity bill for the month, $ 290.

17     Received $ 8,200 cash for fees earned for jobs completed.

19     Paid technician $ 750 in salary.

20     Billed customers for services provided on account, $ 6,100.

22     Received cash from customers on account, $ 9,500.

25     Paid phone bill for the month, $ 120.

26     Received cash from customers as an advance payment for                                       technical support services to be provided in the future, $ 2,500.

27     Billed customers for services provided on account, $ 3,900.

28     Received cash from customers on account, $ 5,100.

28     OJB withdrew $8,000 for personal use.


The chart of accounts and the post-closing trial balance as of January 31, 2016 are given. For each account in the post-closing trial balance, enter the balance in the appropriate Balance column of the ledger. Date the balances February 1, 2016, and place a check mark ( ü ) in the Posting Reference column. Journalize each of the February transactions in the journal provided using OJB Company’s chart of accounts. (Do not insert the account numbers in the journal at this time).

Post the journal to the ledger.

Prepare an unadjusted trial balance.

At the end of February, the following adjustment data were assembled. Use this data to complete instructions ( 5 ) and ( 6 ):

Supplies on hand were $ 600.

Rent expired during the month was $ 1,600.

Unearned fees at the end of the month were $ 2,000.

Insurance expired during the month was $ 300.

Accrued salaries payable were $ 240.

Depreciation on equipment during the month was $ 330.

Optional: Enter the unadjusted trial balance on an end-of-period spreadsheet/worksheet and complete the worksheet.

Journalize and post the adjusting entries.

Prepare an adjusted trial balance.

Prepare an Income Statement, Statement of Owner’s Equity, and Balance Sheet.

Record and post the closing entries. Indicate closed accounts in the ledger by inserting a line in both of the Balance columns opposite each closing entry.

10.Prepare a post-closing trial balance.






JANUARY 31, 2016

                                                                           DEBIT        CREDIT

Accounts Receivable3,400

Prepaid Rent3,200

Prepaid Insurance1,500

Office Equipment14,500

Accumulated Depreciation330

Accounts Payable800

Salaries Payable120

Unearned Fees2,500

OJB, Capital                  42,300

                                                                           46,050       46,050


Expert Solution

1. In the books of OJB Company:

Date Account Titles Debit Credit
February 2016 $ $
1 Supplies 400
Accounts Payable 400
2 Cash 1,750
Accounts Receivable 1,750
3. Accounts Payable 400
Cash 400
5. Salaries Expense 630
Salaries Payable 120
Cash 750
8 Accounts Receivable 3,200
Fees Earned 3,200
11. Advertising Expense 300
Cash 300
12 Cash 3,875
Fees Earned 3,875
16 Utilities Expense 290
Cash 290
17 Cash 8,200
Fees Earned 8,200
19 Salaries Expense 750
Cash 750
20 Accounts Receivable 6,100
Fees Earned 6,100
22 Cash 9,500
Accounts Receivable 9,500
25 Telephone Expense 120
Cash 120
26 Cash 2,500
Unearned Fees 2,500
27 Accounts Receivable 3,900
Fees Earned 3,900
28 Cash 5,100
Accounts Receivable 5,100
28 OJB, Withdrawals 8,000
Cash 8,000

2. General Ledger:


Balance, Jan 31 22,100 Feb 3 400
Feb 2 1,750 Feb 5 750
Feb 12 3,875 Feb 11 300
Feb 17 8,200 Feb 16 290
Feb 22 9,500 Feb 19 750
Feb 26 2,500 Feb 25 120
Feb 28 5,100 Feb 28 8,000
Balance, Feb 28 42,415

Accounts Receivable:

Balance, Jan 31 3,400 Feb 2 1,750
Feb 8 3,200 Feb 22 9,500
Feb 20 6,100 Feb 28 5,100
Feb 27 3,900
Balance, Feb 28 250


Balance, Jan31 1,350 Supplies Expense 1,150
Feb 1 400
Balance, Feb 28 600

Prepaid Rent:

Balance, Jan 31 3,200 Rent Expense 1,600
Balance, Feb 28 1,600

Prepaid Insurance:

Balance, Jan 31 1,500 Insurance Expense 300
Balance, Feb 28 1,200

Office Equipment:

Balance, Jan 31 14,500
Balance, Feb 28 14,500

Accumulated Depreciation:

Balance, Jan 31 330
Depreciation Expense 330
Balance, Feb 28 660

Accounts Payable:

Feb 3 400 Balance, Jan 31 800
Feb 1 400
Balance, Feb 28 800

Salaries Payable:

Feb 5 120 Balance, Jan 31 120
Salaries Expense 240
Balance, Feb 28 240

Unearned Fees:

Fees Earned 3,000 Balance, Jan 31 2,500
Feb 26 2,500
Balance, Feb 28 2,000

OJB Capital:

OJB Withdrawals 8,000 Balance, Jan 31 42,300
Net Income 22,565
Balance, Feb 28 56,865

OJB Withdrawals:

Feb 28 8,000 OJB Capital 8,000

Fees Earned:

Feb 8 3,200
Feb 12 3,875
Feb 17 8,200
Feb 20 6,100
Feb 27 3,900
Unearned Fees 3,000
Income Summary 28,275

Salaries Expense:

Feb 5 630
Feb 19 750
Feb 28 240
Income Summary 1,620

Rent Expense:

Feb 28 1,600
Income Summary 1,600

Insurance Expense:

Feb 28 300
Income Summary 300

Supplies Expense:

Feb 28 1,150
Income Summary 1,150


OJB Company
Unadjusted Trial Balance
February 28, 2016
Account Titles Debit Credit
$ $
Cash 42,415
Accounts Receivable 250
Supplies 1,750
Prepaid Rent 3,200
Prepaid Insurance 1,500
Office Equipment 14,500
Accumulated Depreciation 330
Accounts Payable 800
Unearned Fees 5,000
OJB Capital 42,300
OJB Withdrawals 8,000
Fees Earned 25,275
Advertising Expense 300
Salaries Expense 1,380
Telephone Expense 120
Utilities Expense 290
Totals $ 73,705 $ 73,705

Adjusting Entries:

Adjustment Account Titles Debit Credit
February 28, 2016 $ $
a. Supplies Expense 1.150
Supplies 1,150
b. Rent Expense 1,600
Prepaid Rent 1,600
c. Unearned Fees 3,000
Fees Earned 3,000
d. Insurance Expense 300
Prepaid Insurance 300
e. Salaries Expense 240
Salaries Payable 240
f. Depreciation Expense 330
Accumulated Depreciation : Office Equipment 330


OJB Company
Adjusted Trial Balance
February 28, 2016
Account Titles Debit Credit
$ $
Cash 42,415
Accounts Receivable 250
Supplies 600
Prepaid Rent 1,600
Prepaid Insurance 1,200
Office Equipment 14,500
Accumulated Depreciation 660
Accounts Payable 800
Salaries Payable 240
Unearned Fees 2,000
OJB Capital 42,300
OJB Withdrawals 8,000
Fees Earned 28,275
Advertising Expense 300
Salaries Expense 1,620
Rent Expense 1,600
Insurance Expense 300
Supplies Expense 1,150
Utilities Expense 290
Telephone Expense 120
Depreciation Expense 330
Totals $ 74,275 $ 74,275


OJB Company
Income Statement
For the month ended February 28, 2016
$ $
Fees Earned 28,275
Less: Operating Expenses
Salaries Expense 1,620
Advertising Expense 300
Supplies Expense 1,150
Rent Expense 1,600
Insurance Expense 300
Utilities Expense 290
Telephone Expense 120
Depreciation Expense 330
Total Operating Expenses 5,710
Net Income $ 22,565


OJB Company
Statement of Changes in Equity
For the month ended February 28, 2016
OJB Capital, Balance, Jan 31 42,300
Add: Net Income 22,565
Less: OJB Withdrawals (8,000)
OJB Capital, Balance, Feb 28 56,865


OJB Company
Balance Sheet
February 28, 2016
Assets $ $ Liabilities and Equity $ $
Cash 42,415 Accounts Payable 800
Accounts Receivable 250 Salaries Payable 240
Supplies 600 Unearned Fees 2,000
Prepaid Rent 1,600 Total Current Liabilities 3,040
Prepaid Insurance 1,200
Total Current Assets 46,065 OJB Capital 56,865
Office Equipment 14,500
Accumulated Depreciation (660)
Office Equipment, net 13,840
Total Assets 59,905 Total Liabilities and Equity 59,905

8. Closing Entries:

Date Account Titles Debit Credit
Feb 28, 2016 $ $
a. Fees Earned 28,275
Income Summary 28,275
To close the revenue account
b. Income Summary 5,710
Salaries Expense 1,620
Supplies Expense 1,150
Advertising Expense 300
Rent Expense 1,600
Insurance Expense 300
Depreciation Expense 330
Miscellaneous Expense 410
To close the expense accounts
c. Income Summary 22,565
OJB Capital 22,565
To close income summary
d. OJB Capital 8,000
OJB Withdrawals 8,000
To close drawings account


OJB Company
Post Closing Trial Balance
February 28, 2016
Account Titles Debit Credit
$ $
Cash 42,415
Accounts Receivable 250
Supplies 600
Prepaid Rent 1,600
Prepaid Insurance 1,200
Office Equipment 14,500
Accumulated Depreciation : Office Equipment 660
Accounts Payable 800
Salaries Payable 240
Unearned Fees 2,000
OJB Capital 56,865
Totals $ 60,565 $ 60,565

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