
In: Computer Science

EXCEPTION HANDLING Concept Summary: 1. Exception   handling   2. Class   design Description Write   a   program   that   creates  ...

Concept Summary:
1. Exception   handling  
2. Class   design

Write   a   program   that   creates   an   exception   class   called   ManyCharactersException,   designed  
to be thrown when a   string is discovered that has too many characters in it.
Consider a   program that   takes   in the last   names   of   users.   The   driver   class   of   the   program
reads the   names   (strings) from   the   user   until   the   user   enters   "DONE".   If   a   name is   entered  
that   has   more   than   20   characters,   throw   the   exception.  
Design   the   program   such   that   it   catches   and   handles   the   exception   if   it   is   thrown.   Handle  
the   exception   by   printing   an   appropriate   message,   and   then   continue   processing   more  
names by   getting   more   inputs   from   the   user. Note:   Your   program   should   exit   only   when   the  
user   enters   "DONE".

Enter strings. When finished enter DONE
Short string
You entered: Short string
Medium size string
You entered: Medium size string
Really really long string, someone stop me!
You entered too many characters
You entered: DONE
Good bye!

Design   the   Exception class   (20   points):
Constructing   the   Try…   Catch…   Throw within   the   Driver   class   (40   points)
Constructing   Error   Message   for   the   Exception   class   (10   points)
Constructing   other   error   messages   (20   points)
Loop   and   other   constructs   to   complete   the   program   (10   points)


Expert Solution

Class stringArray
    public string Name { get; set; }

class ManyCharactersException: Exception
    public ManyCharactersException()


    public ManyCharactersException(string name)
        : base(String.Format("You entered too many characters"))


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        StringArray newstringArray = null;

char str[1000];
   printf( "Enter a value :");
   gets( str );

            newstringArray = new stringArray();
            newstringArray.Name = str;
        catch(ManyCharactersException ex)
            Console.WriteLine(ex.Message );


    private static void ValidateArray(stringArray str)
       if (strlen(str.Name > 20)
             throw new ManyCharactersException(str.Name);
       else if
            (str.Name = “Done”)
            Console.WriteLine(“you entered” );

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