In: Economics
Both American and German cultures value team work, openness,honesty,cooperation, family values and hospitality. Both of them foster creativity and entrepreneurship,with Sylicon valley and Berlin among world leaders in startup creation.Communication styles may be different but cultural sensitivity on both parts and cross cultural training, differences between the two can be overcome.
Germans studied langage from an early age,and in business, many people will speak excellent and technical English.Americans who speak no German at all and may be regarded with polite tolerence. Having said that Germans can make it difficult for people trying to speak their language, while they appreciate it,they tend to jump in and correct the speaker.
Germans are very direct communicators. If we made a mistake Germans directly ,openly and politely accepts and corrects it.They are not inteneded it to be malicious or insulting.But Americans take criticisms badly. Germans provide feedback directly,whether it is negative or positive.But for Americans it is a slow process.Germans are thorough a detail oriented,but Americans prefer a time is money policy. In America individuals are measured on perfomence resulting in continues sense of pressure in work.Germans working on teams and tend to be themselves as a part and parcel.Everybody playing an equally important part .Germans are very liberal in their attitude .They are not big church goers. But Americans are not.
Germans work hard but value their free time.They use their vacation time to the full and spend their weekend with family and friends.Americans tend to have more macho culture about work,making themselves avilable out of hours,working weekends and falling to make use of their annual leave entiltlement.
German students tend to specilize from an early age and apprenticeships or vocational training are popular. But in USA students receive more general but more rounded education.In Americans structure are flat and there is often powerful ,authoritative decision maker at the top.But Germans aredriven by order and efficiency at work and in society.
In Germany personal life and professional life are kept places are tend to be egalitarian.There are social structures in place and relationships are quite formal.Casual chit chat are wate of time for them.But for Americans it is informal and socially speaking is much more considered.