In: Math
Dr. Krauze wants to see how cell phone use impacts reaction
time. To test this, Dr. Krauze conducted a study where participants
are randomly assigned to one of two conditions while driving: a
cell phone or no cell phone. Participants were then instructed to
complete a driving simulator course where reaction times (in
milliseconds) were recorded by how quickly they hit the breaks in
response to a dog running in the middle of the road during the
course. Below are the data. What can Dr. Krauze conclude with an α
= 0.01?
cell phone |
no cell phone |
235 250 239 243 232 |
232 238 227 228 227 |
If appropriate, compute the CI. If not appropriate, input "na"
for both spaces below.
[ , ]
e) Compute the corresponding effect size(s) and
indicate magnitude(s).
If not appropriate, input and/or select "na" below.
d = ; ---Select--- na trivial effect
small effect medium effect large effect
r2 = ; ---Select--- na
trivial effect small effect medium effect large effect
f) Make an interpretation based on the
Cell phone use results in significantly slower reaction time than no cell phone use.Cell phone use results in significantly faster reaction time than no cell phone use. There is no significant reaction time difference between cell phone use or no cell phone use.
we use minitab to solve this question
Ho:There is no significant reaction time difference between cell phone use or no cell phone use.
Ha:There is significant reaction time difference between cell phone use or no cell phone use.
open minitab enter data of cell phone and no cell phone in one column in second column code respective groups as
with cell phone=1 and no cell phone =2
go to top ribbon choose stat => one way ANOVA => responce as 1st column and factor as second column then ok
Then we fail to recect Ho and conclude that
There is no significant reaction time difference between cell phone use or no cell phone use.
Effect size=
Using ,
43% of the total variance is accounted for by the treatment
Effect size is large.