
In: Computer Science

C++ program to implement Matrix Class with following requirements, Classes :- matrix.cpp and main.cpp (to test...

C++ program to implement Matrix Class with following requirements,

Classes :- matrix.cpp and main.cpp (to test it) with following requirements: -

Please use Vectors of double.

  1. Declare and define an matrix class: -
  • The matrix stores doubles. Implement a default constructor which initializes square 1 x 1 matrix that contains  0.0.
  • Implement a constructor that accepts a positive integer n and creates a square n x n matrix that contains 0.0s. Throw an exception if the integer passed to the constructor is zero or negative.
  • Implement a constructor that accepts two positive integers r and c and creates matrix with r rows and c columns that contains 0.0s. Throw an exception if either integer passed to the constructor is zero or negative.
  • Implement a constructor that accepts a one-dimensional array/vector of double. If you use an array, it might be helpful to also pass in the size of the array to indicate the number of elements in the array. The size of the array/double must have an integer square root, i.e., the size of the array/double must be 1, or 4, or 9, or 16, etc. Create a square matrix of size 1 x 1, or 2 x 2, or 3 x 3, or 4 x 4, etc., and populate it using the values from the array/double. If the size of the array/double does not have an integer square root, throw an exception.
  • Implement a 3-parameter Setter that accepts two integers representing row and column and a double representing new value for specified location. Throw an exception if integers are negative or too large.
  • Implement a 2-parameter Getter that accepts two integers representing row and column and returns value in the matrix from specified location. Throw an exception if the integers are negative or too large.
  • Implement a function called clear which sets all values in the matrix to 0.0.
  • Implement a destructor called ~matrix.
  • Implement an overloaded insertion operator so we can print the matrix to std::cout or other streams.
  • Implement == and != operators. The equality operators must check if the matrices are same size and contain the same values in the same locations.
  • Implement unary increment and decrement operators. You will need a prefix and a postfix version of each. The operators should (respectively) increment or decrement each value in the matrix by 1.0.
  • Implement the assignment operator using the copy-and-swap algorithm.
  • Overload operator +=, operator +, operator - =, and operator - .These will only work if the matrices are the same size otherwise throw an exception. Do not overload operator / or operator/=
  • Overload operator* and operator*= . For operator* and operator*= , be careful. You will need to remember that for 2 matrices a and b, the product matrix c is possibly a different size. If matrix a is 1 x 4 and matrix b is 4 x 3, the size of the product matrix c will be 1 x 3. If the number of columns of the first operand is not equal to the number of rows of the second operand, throw an exception.


Expert Solution



#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

class Matrix {
   vector<vector<double> > matrix; // 2-D vector to store matrix data
   // constructors
   Matrix(); // creates a matrix of 1 X 1
   Matrix(int n); // creates a matrix of n X n
   Matrix(int r, int c); // creates a matrix with r rows and c columns
   Matrix(vector<double>& v); // create a matrix with given values
   ~Matrix(); // destructor
   void setValue(int row, int col, double value); // set given value at given position in matrix
   double getValue(int row, int col); // returns a value from given location
   void clear(); // sets all values in the matrix to 0.0
   bool operator==(const Matrix& mt); // return true if 2 matrix are equal otherwise return false
   bool operator!=(const Matrix& mt); // return true if 2 matrix are not equal otherwise return false
   Matrix& operator++(int); // increase each element in vector by 1.0
   Matrix& operator--(int); // decrease each element in vector by 1.0
   Matrix& operator+(const Matrix& mt); // add two matrices and return resulting matrix
   Matrix& operator-(const Matrix& mt); // substract second matrix from first matrix and return resulting matrix
   Matrix& operator+=(const Matrix& mt); // add second matrix to first one
   Matrix& operator-=(const Matrix& mt); // substract second matrix from first one
   Matrix& operator*(const Matrix& mt); // multyply first matrix with seecond matrix and return resulting matrix
   Matrix& operator*=(const Matrix& mt); // multyply and modify first matrix with seecond matrix
   Matrix& operator=(const Matrix& mt); // creates a copy of given matrix and assign to the matrix

   friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Matrix& mt);




#include "matrix.h"

Matrix::Matrix() {
   // create a matrix of 1X1 filled with 0.0
   // create a vactor of row
   vector<double> row;
   // add elemnt to the row vector
   // add row vector to the matrix

Matrix::Matrix(int n) {
   // check if n is negative or 0
   if (n > 0) {
       // create a vector of size n
       for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
           vector<double> row;
           // fill vector with 0.0
           for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
           // add each row to matrix
   else {
       // throw an exception
       throw -1;

Matrix::Matrix(int r, int c) {
   // check if r or c is negative or 0
   if (r > 0 && c > 0) {
       // create matrix of r row
       for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
           // each row contains c elements
           vector<double> row;
           for (int j = 0; j < c; j++) {
               // fill each row with 0.0
           // add each row to thee matrix
   else {
       // throw an exception
       throw - 1;

Matrix::Matrix(vector<double>& v) {
   // check if given vector is of perfect square
   // get size of vector
   int size = v.size();
   int row = -1;
   // get sqrt of size if its perfect square
   for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
       if ((size % i == 0) && (size / i == i)) {
           row = i;
   // check if row is -1
   if (row == -1) {
       // thow exception
       throw - 1;
   else {
       for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
           // get each row
           vector<double> r;
           for (int j = 0; j < row; j++) {
               r.push_back(*row + j));
           // add each row to the matrix

Matrix::~Matrix() {
   // delete matrix
   for (int i = 0; i < matrix.size(); i++) {;

void Matrix::setValue(int row, int col, double value) {
   // check for vaild location
   if (row <= 0 || row > matrix.size()) {
       // throw exception
       throw - 1;
   else if (col <= 0 || col > {
       // throw exception
       throw - 1;
   else {
       // set new value to the location = value;

double Matrix::getValue(int row, int col) {
   // check for vaild location
   if (row <= 0 || row > matrix.size()) {
       // throw exception
       throw - 1;
   else if (col <= 0 || col > {
       // throw exception
       throw - 1;
   else {
       // return value from the location

void Matrix::clear() {
   // reset all elemets in matrix to 0.0
   for (int i = 0; i < matrix.size(); i++) {
       for (int j = 0; j <; j++) {
  = 0.0;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Matrix& mt) {
   // get number of rows
   int rows = mt.matrix.size();
   // output each row to stream
   for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
       os << "| ";
       // out put each element of row
       for (int j = 0; j <; j++) {
           os << << " ";
       os << "|" << endl;
   return os;

bool Matrix::operator==(const Matrix& mt) {
   // check for row size
   if (this->matrix.size() != mt.matrix.size()) {
       return false;
   // check fro column size
   else if (this-> != {
       return false;
   else {
       // check for each elements
       for (int i = 0; i < matrix.size(); i++) {
           for (int j = 0; j <; j++) {
               if (this-> != {
                   return false;
       return true;

bool Matrix::operator!=(const Matrix& mt) {
   // check for row size
   if (this->matrix.size() != mt.matrix.size()) {
       return true;
   // check fro column size
   else if (this-> != {
       return true;
   else {
       // check for each elements
       for (int i = 0; i < matrix.size(); i++) {
           for (int j = 0; j <; j++) {
               if (this-> != {
                   return true;
       return false;

Matrix& Matrix::operator++(int) {
   for (int i = 0; i < matrix.size(); i++) {
       for (int j = 0; j <; j++) {
           // increament each value by 1.0
  = + 1.0;
   return *this;

Matrix& Matrix::operator--(int) {
   for (int i = 0; i < matrix.size(); i++) {
       for (int j = 0; j <; j++) {
           // decrease each value by 1.0
  = - 1.0;
   return *this;

Matrix& Matrix::operator=(const Matrix& mt) {
   // clear current matrix
   // copy and assign given matrix
   for (int i = 0; i < mt.matrix.size(); i++) {
       vector<double> row; // build each row
       for (int j = 0; j <;j++) {
           row.push_back(; // copy each element
       // add each row to the current matrix
   return *this;

Matrix& Matrix::operator+(const Matrix& mt) {
   // create a new matrix
   Matrix* m = new Matrix();
   for (int i = 0; i < matrix.size(); i++) {
       // build each row
       vector<double> row;
       for (int j = 0; j <; j++) {
           double sum = +;
       // add each row to martix
   return *m;

Matrix& Matrix::operator-(const Matrix& mt) {
   // create a new matrix
   Matrix* m = new Matrix();
   for (int i = 0; i < matrix.size(); i++) {
       // build each row
       vector<double> row;
       for (int j = 0; j <; j++) {
           double sub = -;
       // add each row to martix
   return *m;

Matrix& Matrix::operator+=(const Matrix& mt) {
   for (int i = 0; i < matrix.size(); i++) {
       // build each row
       vector<double> row;
       for (int j = 0; j <; j++) {
  = +;
   return *this;

Matrix& Matrix::operator-=(const Matrix& mt) {
   for (int i = 0; i < matrix.size(); i++) {
       // build each row
       vector<double> row;
       for (int j = 0; j <; j++) {
  = -;
   return *this;

Matrix& Matrix::operator*(const Matrix& mt) {
   // multiplication is done by dot product
   // create a empty mmatrix
   Matrix* m = new Matrix();
   for (int i = 0; i < matrix.size(); i++) {
       // build each row
       vector<double> row;
       for (int j = 0; j <; j++) {
           // multiply first matrix's row with second matrix's column
           // add the total sum
           double sum = 0.0;
           for (int k = 0; k <; k++) {
               sum = sum + ( *;
           // add sum to the row
       // add each row to martix
   return *m;

Matrix& Matrix::operator*=(const Matrix& mt) {
   // multiplication is done by dot product
   // create a empty mmatrix
   Matrix* m = new Matrix();
   for (int i = 0; i < matrix.size(); i++) {
       // build each row
       vector<double> row;
       for (int j = 0; j <; j++) {
           // multiply first matrix's row with second matrix's column
           // add the total sum
           double sum = 0.0;
           for (int k = 0; k <; k++) {
               sum = sum + ( *;
           // add sum to the row
       // add each row to martix
   // reassign new matrix to this
   this->matrix = m->matrix;
   return *m;




#include "matrix.h"

int main() {
   // print each step
   cout << "Testing default constructor:" << endl;
   Matrix* m1 = new Matrix();
   cout << *m1;
   cout << "Testing destructor:" << endl;
   delete m1;
   cout << "Testing Matrix(3):" << endl;
   Matrix m2(3);
   cout << m2;
   cout << "Testing Matrix(3,4):" << endl;
   Matrix m3(3,4);
   cout << m3;
   vector<double> v;
   cout << "Testing coonstructor with vector parameter:" << endl;
   Matrix m4(v);
   cout << m4;
   cout << "getValue(1,2) at matrix 4 returns: " << m4.getValue(1, 2) << endl;
   cout << "Setting value 4.6 at 1st row and 2nd col of matrix 2:" << endl;
   m2.setValue(1, 2, 4.6);
   cout << m2;
   cout << "creating matrix 5 with assignment operaton on matrix 4:" << endl;
   Matrix* m5 = new Matrix();
   *m5 = m4;
   cout << "matrix 5: " << endl;
   cout << *m5;
   cout << "Testing == " << endl;
   if (m4 == *m5) {
       cout << "m4 and m5 are equal" << endl;
   else {
       cout << "m4 and m5 are not equal" << endl;
   cout << "Testing ++ operator on matrix 4:" << endl;
   cout << m4;
   cout << "Testing != " << endl;
   if (m4 != *m5) {
       cout << "m4 and m5 are not equal" << endl;
   else {
       cout << "m4 and m5 are equal" << endl;
   cout << "Adding matrix 4 and 5 to make matrix 6:" << endl;
   Matrix m6 = m4 + *m5;
   cout << m6;
   cout << "Adding matrix 4 to 6: " << endl;
   m6 += m4;
   cout << m6;
   cout << "Testing -- operator on matrix 4:" << endl;
   cout << m4;
   cout << "Substracting matrix 4 from 6:" << endl;
   m6 -= m4;
   cout << m6;
   cout << "making matrix 7 by substracting matrix 4 from 6:" << endl;
   Matrix m7 = m6 - m4;
   cout << m7;
   cout << "matrix 4: " << endl;
   cout << m4;
   cout << "Multiplication of m7 and m4:" << endl;
   m7 *= m4;
   cout << m7;
   cout << "Creating matrix with 2 row and 1 colum:" << endl;
   Matrix m9(2, 1);
   m9.setValue(1, 1, 2);
   m9.setValue(2, 1, 5);
   cout << m9;
   cout << "Multilpication of matrix 4 and 9:" << endl;
   Matrix m10 = m4 * m9;
   cout << m10;
   cout << "Testing clear on matrix 7:" << endl;
   cout << m7 << endl;

   return 0;

let me know if you have any doubt or problem running code.

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