In: Mechanical Engineering
Please refer to the article titled as “Sustainable Construction Excellence for a Better Future in Malaysia, published in The Ingenieur, Vol. 69 January – March 2017 by the Board of Engineers Malaysia.Elaborate on the “Paradigm Shift” which was outlined in the 11th Malaysian Plan and how would it affect our quality of life?
“Paradigm Shift”:-
A paradigm shift, is a concept which involves major change in the concepts and practices of how something works or is accomplished. It is is a fundamental change in the basic concepts and experimental practices of a scientific discipline. It arises when normal science incompatible with new phenomena and it is required to adopt new concept or paradigm. It can happen within a broad context but very often happen when new technology is introduced . For example assembly line technology intoduced for auto industry is a substantial paradigm shift for other manufacturing areas as well. Paradigm shift involves intuduction of new technology, equipments and tools in the systems and creation of new departments or elemination of old one in some cases. It is a shift of industrial revolution that transfers many social and industrial processes. Because of increase in technological advancement our quality of life becoming more and more superior day by day in terms of accuracy, more advanced features in equipments, machinaries ,devices and gagets paradigm shift introducing more in common places. Paradigms are important because it makes human life more easier by breaking the limitations and distortions with the help of technology.
Example of a Paradigm Shift:-
The Internet created a paradigm shift in the education, banking, business,mass media,social media ,online shoping etc. Due to Paradigm Shifts, Online education replaced class room education some extent ,online ticket booking replaced ticker machines, email services replaced fax machine, Scanner replaced courier services. Thus Paradigm shifts makes our quality life superior with the revolutionary change and technological advancements.