
In: Civil Engineering

Discussion Topic: Now that you have learned about welding and bolting; how do you compare them...

Discussion Topic: Now that you have learned about welding and bolting; how do you compare them in terms of economy (price), speed of construction, quality control, and so on; please write pros and cons for them.


Expert Solution


1. Weldings are more economical and is much faster process as compared to other processes (riveting, bolting, casting etc.)

2. welding if properly controlled results permanent joints having strength equal or sometimes more than base metal.

3. Large number of metals and alloys both similar and dissimilar can be joined by welding.

4. General welding equipment is not very costly.

5. Portable welding equipment can be easily made available.

6. Welding permits considerable freedom in design.

7.Welding can join welding jobs through spots, as continuous pressure tight seams, end-to-end and in a number of other configurations.

8.Welding can also be mechanized.


1. It results in residual stresses and distortion of the work pieces.

2. Welded joints needs stress relieving and heat treatment.

3. Welding gives out harmful radiations (light), fumes and spatter.

4. Jigs, and fixtures may also be needed to hold and position the parts to be welded

5. Edges preparation of the welding jobs are required before welding.

6. Skilled welder is required for production of good welding.

7. Heat during welding produces metallurgical changes as the structure of the welded joint is not same as that of the parent metal.


1. They are easily disassembled, as opposed to something like riveting or welding, which requires cutting.

2. Bolted joints aren't particularly sensitive to the condition of the parent material. With welds and adhesive joints, the parent material needs to be clean, free of oils, etc (and obviously, it has to be metal to weld).

3. Bolts are easy. Welding takes a lot of skill and a lot of time, particularly if you're going to inspect the weld for flaws after it's completed. But just about everybody has used a wrench.


1. They can become loose over time as the nut backs off (this can be addressed to some extent by using the proper preload and thread-locking features) or as the material creeps.

2. Complexity in bolting action as a bolted joint adds to a part count - a bolt, a nut, washers, thread lubricant, thread locking compound. And the bolts, nuts, and washers come in specific sizes with specific threads, with specific hole sizes and tolerances, for specific applications - if you need a high quality joint, you've got to keep track of all that and make sure the right bolt is used in the right place and in the right way.

3. Corrosion between a bolt and the parent material.

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