In: Advanced Math
For a cube
-describe the type of groups of a rectangle
-describe the orders of the groups
-describe the structure of the groups
-describe the elements of the groups (make sure to name all the elements and describe them as a group of permutations on the vertices)
- describe each group as subgroups of permutation groups
-describe all possible orders, types and generators for each subgroup of the group
-are any of these groups cyclic and or abelian?
-are any of these subgroups cyclic and or abelian?
-are there subgroups of every possible order?
-which subgroups are isomorphic and how do you know?
A rectangular is a three dimensional shape with six rectangular shaped sides. All of its angles are right angles. It can also be called a cuboid. A cube and a square prism are both special types of a rectangular prism. Keep in mind, a square is just a spece
The cube is the only regular hexahedron and is one of the five Platonic solids. It has 6 faces, 12 edges, and 8 vertices.
The cube is also a square parallelepiped, an equilateral cuboid and a right rhombohedron. It is a regular square prism in three orientations, and a trigonal trapezohedron in four orientations.
The Rubik's Cube group is constructed by labeling each of the 48 non-center facets with the integers 1 to 48. Each configuration of the cube can be represented as a permutation of the labels 1 to 48, depending on the position of each facet. Using this representation, the solved cube is the identity permutation which leaves the cube unchanged, while the twelve cube moves that rotate a layer of the cube 90 degrees are represented by their respective permutations. T
refers to the composition of two permutations; within the cube,
this refers to combining two sequences of cube moves together,
doing one after the other. The Rubik’s Cube group is non-abelian as
composition of cube moves is not commutative; doing two sequences
of cube moves in a different order can result in a different
he Rubik's Cube group is the subgroup of the symmetric group