In: Computer Science
***In Java language***The first programming project involves writing a program that computes the salaries for a collection of employees of different types. This program consists of four classes. 1. The first class is the Employee class, which contains the employee's name and monthly salary, which is specified in whole dollars. It should have three methods: a. A constructor that allows the name and monthly salary to be initialized. b. A method named annualSalary that returns the salary for a whole year. c. A toString method that returns a string containing the name and monthly salary, appropriately labeled. 2. The Employee class has two subclasses. The first is Salesman. It has an additional instance variable that contains the annual sales in whole dollars for that salesman. It should have the same three methods: a. A constructor that allows the name, monthly salary and annual sales to be initialized. b. An overridden method annualSalary that returns the salary for a whole year. The salary for a salesman consists of the base salary computed from the monthly salary plus a commission. The commission is computed as 2% of that salesman's annual sales. The maximum commission a salesman can earn is $20,000. c. An overridden toString method that returns a string containing the name, monthly salary and annual sales, appropriately labeled. 3. The second subclass is Executive. It has an additional instance variable that reflects the current stock price. It should have the same three methods: a. A constructor that allows the name, monthly salary and stock price to be initialized. b. An overridden method annualSalary that returns the salary for a whole year. The salary for an executive consists of the base salary computed from the monthly salary plus a bonus. The bonus is $30,000 if the current stock price is greater than $50 and nothing otherwise. c. An overridden toString method that returns a string containing the name, monthly salary and stock price, appropriately labeled. 4. Finally there should be a fourth class that contains the main method. It should read in employee information from a text file. Each line of the text file will represent the information for one employee for one year. An example of how the text file will look is shown below: 2014 Employee Smith,John 2000 2015 Salesman Jones,Bill 3000 100000 2014 Executive Bush,George 5000 55 The year is the first data element on the line. The file will contain employee information for only two years: 2014 and 2015. Next is the type of the employee followed by the employee name and the monthly salary. For salesmen, the final value is their annual sales and for executives the stock price. As the employees are read in, Employee objects of the appropriate type should be created and they should be stored in one of two arrays depending upon the year. You may assume that the file will contain no more than ten employee records for each year and that the data in the file will be formatted correctly. Once all the employee data is read in, a report should be displayed on the console for each of the two years. Each line of the report should contain all original data supplied for each employee together with 2 that employee's annual salary for the year. For each of the two years, an average of all salaries for all employees for that year should be computed and displayed. The google recommended Java style guide, provided as link in the week 2 content, should be used to format and document your code. Specifically, the following style guide attributes should be addressed: Header comments include filename, author, date and brief purpose of the program. In-line comments used to describe major functionality of the code. Meaningful variable names and prompts applied. Class names are written in UpperCamelCase. Variable names are written in lowerCamelCase. Constant names are in written in All Capitals. Braces use K&R style. In addition the following design constraints should be followed: Declare all instance variables private Avoid the duplication of code Test cases should be supplied in the form of table with columns indicating the input values, expected output, actual output and if the test case passed or failed. This table should contain 4 columns with appropriate labels and a row for each test case. Note that the actual output should be the actual results you receive when running your program and applying the input for the test record. Be sure to select enough different kinds of employees to completely test the program.
Given below are the classes needed for the question. Hope it helps. If it does , please don't forget to rate the answer. Thank you very much.
package Online;
import java.util.Scanner;
//Class Employee definition
class Employee
//Instance variables
String empName;
double monthlySalary;
Employee(String name, double salary)
empName = name;
monthlySalary = salary;
}//End of constructor
//Method to return annual salary
double getAnnualySalary()
//Calculates annual salary
return (monthlySalary * 12);
}//End of method
//Overrides to String method
public String toString()
return "\n Employee Name: " + empName + "\n Monthly Salary = " + monthlySalary;
}//End of method
}//End of class
//Class Salesman derived from Employee
class Salesman extends Employee
//Instance variable
double annualSales;
Salesman(String name, double salary, double sales)
//Calls base class constructor
super(name, salary);
annualSales = sales;
}//End of constructor
//Overrides base class method
double getAnnualSalary()
//Calculates commission
double sa = monthlySalary * 12.0 * 0.002;
//Checks sales commission cannot be more than 2000
if(sa > 20000)
sa = 20000;
return sa;
}//End of method
//Overrides to String method
public String toString()
//Calls the base class toString() method and concatenates annual sales
return super.toString() + "\n Annual Sales = " + annualSales;
}//End of method
}//End of class
//Class Executive derived from Employee
class Executive extends Employee
//Instance variable
double currentStockPrice;
Executive(String name, double salary, double stock)
//Calls base class constructor
super(name, salary);
currentStockPrice = stock;
}//End of constructor
//Overrides base class method
double getAnnualSalary()
//Checks if stock price is more than 50 then add 30000 to annual salary
if(currentStockPrice > 50)
return monthlySalary * 12.0 + 30000;
return monthlySalary * 12.0;
}//End of method
//Overrides to String method
public String toString()
//Calls base class toString() method and concatenates stock price
return super.toString() + "\n Stock Price = " + currentStockPrice;
}//End of method
}//End of class
//Driver class
public class EmployeeDriver
//Main method
public static void main(String ss[])
//Local variable to store file data
int year = 0;
String empType = "", name = "";
double salary = 0, sales = 0, stockPrice = 0;
String data = "";
//File object created
File file = new File("D:/MyProgram/src/Online/Data.txt");
//Creates array type objects for the year 2014 and 2015
Employee e2014[] = new Employee[10];
Employee e2015[] = new Employee[10];
//Counter for 2014 and 2015
int c2014 = 0, c2015 = 0;
//Handles exception
//Scanner object created
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file);
//Checks for the data availability
//Reads a line of string from the file
data = scanner.nextLine();
//Split the data with space
String[] splited = data.split(" ");
//Stores the year after converting it to integer
year = Integer.parseInt(splited[0]);
//Stores the employee type
empType = splited[1];
//Stores the name
name = splited[2];
//Stores the salary after converting it to double
salary = Double.parseDouble(splited[3]);
//Checks the employee type if it is sales man then stores the sales after converting it to double
sales = Double.parseDouble(splited[4]);
//Checks the employee type if it is executive then stores the sales after converting it to double
else if(empType.equals("Executive"))
stockPrice = Double.parseDouble(splited[4]);
//System.out.println(year + " " + empType + " " + name + " " + salary + " " + sales + " " + stockPrice);
//Checks the employee type and year and creates object for the appropriate class
//and calls the constructor
if(empType.equals("Employee") && year == 2014)
e2014[c2014++] = new Employee(name, salary);
else if(empType.equals("Employee") && year == 2015)
e2015[c2015++] = new Employee(name, salary);
else if(empType.equals("Salesman") && year == 2014)
e2014[c2014++] = new Salesman(name, salary, sales);
else if(empType.equals("Salesman") && year == 2015)
e2015[c2015++] = new Salesman(name, salary, sales);
else if(empType.equals("Executive") && year == 2014)
e2014[c2014++] = new Executive(name, salary, stockPrice);
else if(empType.equals("Executive") && year == 2015)
e2015[c2015++] = new Executive(name, salary, stockPrice);
}//End of while
}//End of try
//Catch block
catch(Exception e)
}//End of catch
//Local variable for total salary and average salary
double totSalary = 0.0, avgSalary = 0.0;
//Displays year wise information
System.out.println("\n Year: 2014");
//Loops till the counter for the year 2014
for(int co = 0; co < c2014; co++)
System.out.println(" Annual Salary: " + e2014[co].getAnnualySalary());
//Calculates total salary
totSalary += e2014[co].getAnnualySalary();
}//End of loop
//Calculates average salary and displays it
System.out.println("\n Average Salary: " + totSalary / c2014);
System.out.println("\n Year: 2015");
//Loops till the counter for the year 2015
for(int co = 0; co < c2015; co++)
System.out.println(" Annual Salary: " + e2015[co].getAnnualySalary());
//Calculates total salary
totSalary += e2015[co].getAnnualySalary();
}//End of loop
//Calculates average salary and displays it
System.out.println("\n Average Salary: " + totSalary / c2015);
}//End of main
}//End of class
File (Data.txt) Contents:
2014 Employee Smith,John 2000
2015 Salesman Jones,Bill 3000 100000
2014 Executive Bush,George 5000 55
Sample Run:
Year: 2014
Employee Name: Smith,John
Monthly Salary = 2000.0
Annual Salary: 24000.0
Employee Name: Bush,George
Monthly Salary = 5000.0
Stock Price = 55.0
Annual Salary: 60000.0
Average Salary: 42000.0
Year: 2015
Employee Name: Jones,Bill
Monthly Salary = 3000.0
Annual Sales = 100000.0
Annual Salary: 36000.0
Average Salary: 120000.0