In: Nursing
1. Arterial pulse is the rhythmic expansion of arterial wall due to the transmission of pressure wave, produced during each systole of the heart, along the walls of the arteries.
It is one of the vital signs and is assessed by examining the radial pulse. It gives an idea about heart function, condition of hemodynamics, and condition of blood vessel.
Normal range of pulse is from 60 to 100 per minute (less than 60 is bradycardia and more than 100 is tachycardia) and is usually same as heart rate. The deficit between the two is called pulse deficit.
Arterial pulse tracing has 3 components
2. Ms. Black would have an increased pulse rate at this situation that is, tachycardia where pulse rate is above 100per minute. Tachycardia can occur in physiologicaly in situations like emotion, excitement, anger and exercise.
Here Ms.Blackarrived late for appoinment was frantic and on her way to office also she had problems and then she could not find a parking lot and at last she also locked key inside the car. All these events would have obviously caused her stress, anger excitment because of which her pulse rate have increased.