
In: Psychology

-The Scientific Method: Understand what it is, how and why we use it and be able...

-The Scientific Method: Understand what it is, how and why we use it and be able to apply it to hypothetical experimentation.

-Goals of behavioral science:

-The Difference between Applied and Basic research (be able to identify whether a

research question is one or the other).

-What is the relationship between Cause and Effect?

-Why does research demand skepticism?

-How does research relate to program evaluation?

-Be able to compare “science” versus “pseudoscience”.


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Q1) Scientific method is a systematic and logical way to find out answers of many aunanswered question. It involves obsercation,hypothesis,experimental and final logical observation. To find out how things work around us, we use scientific method. To find out the answer, first of all , we make an observation. Based on that observation, we form a question. For example, When an apple fall on Newton's head, he observed that things fall down. Then he formed a question 'Why things fall to the ground?".

Based ont he question, we form a hypothesis. Then we conduct experiments to testify the hypothesis. Based on the results of the hypothesis, we draw the conclusion after carefully examining the results. If proved, then a hypothesis becomes a theory.

Q2) There are four major goals of behaviourial science:

  1. To describe behaviour: How
  2. To predict behaviour
  3. To explain behaviour
  4. to control behaviour


Basic research Applied research
1. Basic research is a research that try to expand the scietific knowledge that we already posses. 1. Applied research is a research that uses existing scientific theories to solve problems of our world.
2. It is theoretical in nature. 2. It is practical in nature.
3.Basic reasearch can be applied to diverse field. 3. Applied research has limited applicability.
4.This research is concerned with adding additional knowledge to already existing scientific knowledge base

4. This research is concerned with developing tools and technology to solve problems and find solutions.

Q4) When one even(cause) led to another event(effect), this relationship is Cause and effect relationship. Without any cause there must not be any effect, and if there is a effect, there must be a cause. For example, If I hit a wall(effect), there must be some reason behind it(cause).

To establish a caus effect relationship, three things must be met:

  1. Cause must occur before effect. This is caaled temporal precendences.
  2. If there is a cause, effect must be there. Without any cause, there will be no effect.
  3. The strength of the cause always equals the strength of the effect.

Q5). Skepticism helps researcher to check, re-check and validiate a research.Without proper validiation, a research might have many errors. Skepticism helps to remove those errors. It's a corrective measure.

Q6) Program evaluations are systematic study of any specific program and its working from time to time. It also use research methodology but It is different from research. Reserch adds new knowledge to aalready existing knowledge which has universitality, Program evoluation only evaluate a specific program and its validity. Program evaluation improves the program where research proves a hypothesis.


Science Pseudoscience
1. Careful obsevation and systematic experimentation leads to form a new theory. Skepticism is welcomed. 1. Based on hypothesis without peoper observation or experiments. Only supporting evidece is looked for.
2. Can be proven through experiments, can be replicated in the lab. 2. Can't be proven through experiments.
3. A slight change in any theory can affect the whole part. 3. Anything can be changd without altering others.
4. Uses scietific calculation and standard measurements. 4. No scientic and universal terms arre used. They are specific to one area only.
5. Progressive in nature. New theory keeps emerging replacing old one. 5. stagnancy is the key feature.


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