In: Operations Management
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Once the global organization has adopted a talent sourcing strategy in league with HR, cross-cultural training, administration of expatriate work assignments, on-going individual development, career planning, and performance management will typically fall within HR’s domain. Discuss the rationale for HR’s involvement and some best practices in each of these areas. What considerations need to be taken in conducting cross-cultural training?
With the development of globalization, it is important for the HR management to take care of the different aspects of recruiting the people for the different locations or the people who can be deputed to the different locations and jobs in order to meet the requirements of the organization. In the current era, the manpower is becoming more sensitive towards their career planning future growth. At the same time, the organizations are also becoming more sensitive towards performance management so that they can determine the real worth of the employee or decide about facilitating different types of training. The HR department plays a significant role in this regard. The HR department has to develop the different policies and plans that can facilitate better career advancement opportunities to the employees and this will also attract the best talent in the organization. Performance management will be helpful to evaluate the judge the performance of the individual employee
In the era of globalization, the organizations place the employees to different countries and thus in this regard, cross-culture training becomes quite important. In the cross-culture training, the below-mentioned factors must be considered =
Informing the employee about the different cultural values of the country where he or she has to work
Differentiate and compare the culture and customs of domestic and host countries.
Creating awareness about the different culture that can help the employees to perform their activities smoothly
Improving the cultural awareness of the employees so that they can be more sensitive towards the cultural differences