In: Operations Management
Should manufacturers have a responsibility to take back their products after their useful consumer life?how might life cycle responsibility change the way products are designed, manufactured, and sold?
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Yes, it will be a great idea. Once a product becomes obsolete or uneconomical to use, the manufactures take them back and recycle the materials. The simple rationale of this arrangement is the fact that both parties will benefit and the environment.
To begin with, the user or the buyer of the product will be saved of the hustle of selling the scrap product once the useful life is over. There will be a guaranteed market for such obsolete product. In addition, the buyer will make some money from the product which they might not have been able to make because of possible lack of market.
On the other hand the manufacturer stands to benefit from such arrangement in a number of ways. First is the fact that the prices will be lower. This product can be recycled to make new product. This is a cheap source of materials. Additionally, this arrangement enhances the manufacturer-customer relationship. It boosts the level of customer loyalty and hence creating a reliable and long lasting market for the manufacturer.
Besides the benefits accruing to the manufactures and the customers, this arrangement will also be a score to the environment. The scrap material and wastes which will have littered and polluted the environment are put into useful use by the manufacturer. To add unto these, the arrangement will also in the long run minimize exploitation of non-renewable sources of raw materials like mineral by embracing recycling.
Needless to say, if this idea is implemented, it might be inevitable for the manufacturer to make some design changes, the way they manufacture and even sell the product. The main focus will be designing and manufacturing the product that are convenient possible to take back are recycle them once they become obsolete. For instance, manufacturers that make heavy machine that have to be ‘permanently’ fixed in a building may rethink of designing them in such a way that removing them from buildings is easy and convenient. Sale agreement will also have to change. Manufacturer might have to sign an agreement committing him to take product upon end of its useful life. The pricing also might factor in this provision