In: Nursing
Complete a concept map for the care of this patient.
Medical Diagnosis | Medical history | current problems | Nursing interventions | Nursing Education |
Diabetic foot (Right third toe) |
Diabetic on drug metformin history of unresolved diabetic foot from one month. |
-pain on the right third toe. -infected diabetic wound.(WBC-23) -uncontrolled diabetics(HBA1c-11) -Neuropathy evidenced by impaired mobility. |
-Asses to rule out the signs of infection. -Pain assessment . -Wound assessment and grading . -Blood Glucose testing -Neuro assessment. -Administer medications such us antidiabetic ,antibiotics . |
Nursing education focusing on wound care ,infection and diabetics. |
What factors place this patient at risk?
What stage of wound is presenting?
This wound is in healing stage 4 stage because the wound depth went Upton the involvement of bone and now it is on healing stage as the latest Xray shows without involvement of bone.
What stage of healing is taking place?
Wound healing is in the proliferative stage as evidenced from the current Xray there is no involvement of bone comparing with the previous (bone involvement)one.In proliferative phase of wound healing the filling and covering of wound happens.
What is the infection process manifesting?
Leokocytosis-(wbc-23) clearly indicates still the patients is in infection .As the fever has come down from a week and Xray shows healing from previous one ,it suggest may be infection is on a reducing stage .
What anticipated medications would be ordered for this patient?
What precautions would be required to care for this patient?
Standard precaution is advised for now as there is no previous organisms and the current wound culture reports are pending.
What nursing health promotion education does this patient require?
wound management
Limit sugar and sugary foods.
Eat three meals a day
Consider adding fruit and vegetables in the food.
Advice to take protein rich diet to increase the albumin level
Monitor weight weekly and report if you loose more than 3 pounds .