In: Computer Science
Compare and Contrast peer-to-peer, client/server, and directory services networks. Be sure to specify the advantages and disadvantages along with how security is managed of each type of network. PLEASE DO NOT HAND WRITE THE ANSWER!! PLEASE ANSER THE QUESTION THOROUGHLY!! IF YOU CANNOT PROVIDE 1,000 WORDS DO NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION!!
Client Server Network:
Here we have a dedicated client which will request for some
resources, it can be a webpage, media file or anything which a
server can understand and respond accordingly, yes! we have a
dedicated server too whose role is to respond to the client's
request and give them the requested resources.
Eg: A browser(client) makes a request to Google's server for
fetching the list of most wealthiest persons in the world then the
server will first catch the request, read it, analyse it and check
it whether it has that kind of data or resource or not, in case if
it has then it will simply respond to this request in the form of
HTML so that a browser can interpret and display the list of those
wealthiest person in the form of a webpage.
Here to what to keep in mind:
1. We have dedicated client and server
2. Client makes request, server respond to that request
3. Server has all the data to server it's users
You can think of internet as the client server architecture. On
internet we have tons of information that is residing in some of
the most powerful servers located across the globe and we are the
users who want to access those data from those servers by making
requests to them.
Peer to Peer Network:
This is yet another kind of network that is completely different
from the client server in terms of who and how the information is
shared and where the focus is. Unlike the client server where the
focus is on the information sharing, in peer to peer network, the
focus is on the connectivity when the computers are limited let's
say 10 computers then it good to opt this network because this will
make the connectivity very faster. It doesn't make any sense to
have a dedicated server when you own only 5 computers. It's just
useless thing to do.
Every computer can make a request and every computer can respond in
short both the client and server is on the same machine. It will
request to itself to get the response from itself.
Opting for client server is only helpful when there are several
clients who wants to access information from the resource.
Also the client server model is a bit costly as compared to peer to
peer because of lesser resource.
In peer to peer the each computer acts as a server and
Also as your number of computers get increases, this model become
very unstable.
Advantages and Disadvantages
1. Security: As compared to client server, this model is more likely to be attacked by attackers because of lesser security because the data is stored in each individual computer, so it's the responsbility of each computer to take care of their data. It's less secure and prone to cyber attacks.
2. Software
Requirement: if you want to opt to peer to peer
then you will need more software in order to connect multiple
computers in peer to peer model which further increases your
expenditure bills while if you're using the client server then you
don't need to download or require any software, all you need is the
internet and a browser, that's it. What ever your want to accsss,
just hit on the url and your webpage will be loaded. Isn't too
But this is more expensive so think about this before you go with
this. Because having a server means having a super computer with
huge gigs of ram and storage so that each client can get's data in
no time without waiting for several minutes or even getting crashed
yout application
3. Use in real world: If we talk about the usage, then peer to peer are mostly used in houses, small offices where computers are limited to 10,20 or even 30 but not more than that. Because going further will make it more compicated to manage things.
While the client server model is widely used when you have
application that is accessed by millions of devices and all at the
same time, in that case, you need to bunch of powerful servers to
handle those millions requests.
Directory services
Basically this is used to manage, route, store the actual
information in a networked environment. A directory is nothing but
a place where you store your information and in a network, this
information can be shared between multiple computers, you will need
a service which can route your information in the network so that
clients can access the data when requested.
Hope you liked my solutions. Thanks. All the best.