In: Statistics and Probability
1. There are N men and M women in a group. Two random persons are
selected. Calculate the
a) a man and a woman are selected;
b) two men are selected;
c) two women are selected.
2. If necessary, correct the mistakes in formulas:
a) ?(∅) = 1;
b) ?(? ∪ ?) = ?(?) ∙ ?(?), if ? ∩ ? ≠ ∅.
c) If ? ⊂ ?, then ?(?) > ?(?),
d) ?(Ω) = 1.
Theory. Explain what probability is, formula of classical probability. List properties of probability.
1. There are N men and M women in a group.
a) P ( a man and a woman) =( NC1. MC1)/ N+MC2
b) P ( Two men ) = NC2/ N+MC2
c) P( Two women ) = MC2 / N+MC2
b)FALSE , P ( A u B) = P(A) + P(B) if A n
c) FALSE, If A c B then P( A) < P(B)
3. Probability is a branch of mathematics that deals with calculating the likelihood of a given event's occurrence, which is expressed as a number between 1 and 0.
The probability of a simple event happening is the
number of times the event can happen, divided by the number of
possible events, the formula is P(A) = f / N. P(A) means
“probability of event A” (event A is whatever event you are looking
for, like winning the lottery).
“f” is the frequency, or number of possible times the event could
N is the number of times the event could happen.
1.The sum of the probabilities of an event and its complementary is 1, so the probability of the complementary event is:
2.The probability of an impossible event is zero.
3 The probability of the union of two events is the sum of their probabilities minus the probability of their intersection.
4. If an event is a subset of another event, its probability is less than or equal to it.
5. If A1, A2, ..., Ak are mutually exclusive between them, then:
6. If the sample space S is finite and an event is S = {x1, x2, ..., xn} then: